The Evil Path

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Evil Emma walks into Golds Pawn Shop, she was looking for Gold.
Gold emerges from the back office and says 'sorry Mrs Swa... I mean Mrs jones.. but I'm afraid we ain't open today... '

Emma looks at gold and smiles at him. "Your not Emma?" Gold asks. "Oh, I am. Just... from a different dimension." Evil Emma replies. "Well.. what ever you want here... you won't get it. You will be stopped by the heroes... or even start to help them.. believe me...."
Emma looks at gold with disappointment. She says to Gold "how are you so weak and pathetic in this dimension, but so powerful and Evil in mine? It's a wonder." Gold looks at Evil Emma and says "I'm not weak. I just have no need for Evil. Maybe if you give me a reason to. Maybe I will help you."

Emma continues to reply "What did ever happen to your son Rumple? Didn't, didn't I force his death? Didn't I stab him straight in the heart? Didn't I kill him before you ever got to know who he was? I took away that opportunity..."
Gold begins to become angry and asks while grinding his teeth "why would that make me help u??"
Emma smiles and continues with the reply.
"I can bring him back to u."
Gold begins to smile and laugh. "That's what you have to offer me? Hahahah. Miss Swan. I'm not sure if you have your ways with magic but once someone is dead, there's no bringing them back unless you go to the underworld and hope they would be waiting. But my son. He had nothing. He has no reason to wait."
Gold frowns at the end of the sentence.
Evil Emma says "No, but isn't that also what you said to the Wicked Witch with her time portal?. Ha. But I'm not going back in time.. I'm going somewhere else... I'm going to find your mother. The black fairy." She took him. And didn't she only take him 3 months ago? That Would mean I killed someone or even something else. I knew it wasn't your son. That why it was so easy to kill... Meet me at sunrise, upon my Ex Husbands boat." "Ex?" Gold asks. "Yes 'Ex' because my Killian Jones.. well he died in my dimension.. in fact, I'm the one who killed him." Emma replies as she smiles and walks out the front door.

Gold can only begin to wonder what she wants. But for the mean time. He knows he can find his Mum himself. So... at the moment. He needs to find something to trap Evil Emma.

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