Part One; Solace

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Khadgar shot up, gasping for air. His body was bathed in a cold sweat, and the sheets were twisted around his limbs, likely a result of thrashing around in his sleep. With heart pounding against his chest, he ran a shaky hand through his sweat-dampened hair. Remnants of his nightmare still clung to his mind as silent tears tripped his rosy cheeks.

Medivh was at his side from the moment the mage woke, a soft glow illuminating the darkness of Khadgar's room as he materialised. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, jade orbs teeming with visible concern for his apprentice.

Khadgar looked up at the elder mage through the teary pools that blurred his eyes, unable to form anything remotely close to a coherent sentence. He struggled with his words, though all that Medivh could comprehend was a string of whimpers and pleas, though regarding what, he did not know.

He opened his arms, encouraging the young mage to seek comfort in his master. Even in his own vulnerability, Khadgar hesitated for a brief moment.

Medivh, noticing his reluctance, spoke with in such a gentle tone that it almost surprised his apprentice. ''Do not fear, my Young Trust. I am here.''

And that was all that it took, for as soon as the words left Medivh's lips, Khadgar found himself surrendering to his master, burying his face in his chest. His hands gripped the soft fabric of Medivh's nightshirt, inhaling the sweet scent of fresh vanilla that clung to the fabric.

Despite himself, his fingers stroked absently through the dark locks of curly hair as his apprentice sobbed quietly into his embrace. Medivh did not push his apprentice. He only wished to comfort him as best as he could. He found patience in knowing that, if Khadgar decided that he wanted to go into any detail of his nightmare, he would. Though, he had to admit — hearing his own name being cried with such despair and urgency... he couldn't deny that he felt a twinge of concern, and would have to bite back his curiosity so as not to further upset the lad. He would speak when he was ready. In the meantime, he needed to feel security, especially in his master.

''Guardian... '' Medivh listened intently as the mage whimpered quietly, not pulling away from his master in the slightest. ''Please... don't leave.'' he pleaded.

A silence hung in the air for a few moments before Medivh responded. ''Of course not.''

And so, Medivh released his grasp on his student, and motioned for him to move over. At first, Khadgar questioned him with puffy blue eyes; slightly confused at his demands.

Medivh smiled down at him. ''I will not leave you, don't worry.'' Khadgar nodded, and shifted his body across the bed.

Medivh moved to where Khadgar had previously been lying, as the bed was still warm. Once he lay down, he opened his arms once again, and Khadgar — this time without hesitation — nestled himself close to his master, snuggling into his arms and resting his head on Medivh's chest.

Despite himself, part of Medivh felt something he couldn't quite identify; though he put it down to the oddity of the situation. He was comforting the lad, nothing else. Still, he allowed himself a thin smile when he felt the young mage clinging to his body. He muttered a few quiet words of power, and as he did so, the room grew warmer and Khadgar soon fell asleep.

~ * ~

Sunlight crept through the stained glass window in his room, flecks of dust dancing aimlessly in the rays of light. At first, he had forgotten the previous night entirely. It was only when Moroes entered his room, that he awoke, remembering everything.

The wooden door creaked open, and in stepped the tower's castellan. ''It is time to wake, young Sir.. The Magus will be expecting—'' He readjusted his sentence when he noticed Medivh sleeping soundly beside Khadgar, the ghost of a smile crossing his dark features. ''Ah— I shall tell Cook to begin breakfast at once. I trust you both slept well?''

Khadgar jolted up, almost jumping through the very roof of the tower itself. His gaze flicked rapidly between Medivh and Moroes as his eyes grew wide with surprise. Heat rose to his cheeks when he realised what the castellan must have thought.

''This isn't— I-I, we... '' he stammered weakly, unsure how to explain the situation. Either way, Moroes seemed entirely unfazed, and didn't seem to care much despite the amused expression on his face.

Beside Khadgar, Medivh groaned quietly as his eyes fluttered open. ''Thank you, Moroes,'' he muttered, without opening his eyes.

A wave of butterflies passed over the mage's stomach as he threw a glance over his shoulder, meeting his master's gaze for a brief moment. He quickly looked back to Moroes, a flush of embarrassment rising to his cheeks. He frowned when he saw that the castellan was no longer standing in the doorway, but had vanished just as quickly as he appeared.

Khadgar fumbled with his thoughts, puzzled with what to say next. Medivh on the other hand, seemed calmer than usual. He rose from where he was lying, yawned, and stretched with a soft grunt. Khadgar noticed how the light each intricate detail of the elder mage's face made his heart flutter effortlessly. He couldn't understand why.

''G-Guardian? I, um... l-last night...'' he began, tripping over his own words.

Medivh turned on the spot, a gentle smile forming on his lips. His jade eyes were soft against his apprentice's face that, much to his own dismay, remained a fervent shade of red. ''No need to remind yourself of your troubles, my Young Trust. Today has enough worries of its own.''

Khadgar frowned, throwing himself back against the softness of his bed, closing his eyes as he did so. He couldn't help but wonder what was going through the wizard's mind, especially considering how oddly composed he was despite what occurred the night before. Still, the kindness of his master surpassed that of any mentor he had when among the Kirin Tor. He couldn't help but smile.

''I suppose what I meant to say was thank you—''

Khadgar looked up, but his room was empty, and Medivh was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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