Part 2

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The Army thought they were safe but a huge army of Germans! attacked there base many have fallen and a little have survived only 6 soldiers lived and the others have fallen...

-GENERAL-So we live again but a lot bigger...

-OLD PILOT-I live...We need a plane sir to get of this desert.

-DAVE-Sir this is an stuck in an desert situation i dnt sign up for this!

-PERRY-Yes! So shut up! We need to do something before we die!

-NAVALE-Im the highest General here so im in charge!

-ALL-Yes your right...

-ENGINEER-Ill work on the plane.

-GENERAL-This the plan Engineer u go work on the plane i and navale go help get some water and weapons perry will go with us and dave will take care of the old pilot... Ok.


-NAVALE-Hey general come here... Why don't you try work this radio turn on.

-GENERAL-Sir yes sir!

-PERRY-There's The Russian base!

-NAVALE-Were in Russia why is it like a desert here!

-ADRIAN-Welcome to the russian base!

-PERRY-Who the hell are you?

-ADRIAN-The Russian Navay and who the hell are you?

-PERRY-Were the L.D.A...

-ADRIAN-Oh why are u only 6!

-NAVALE-Stop... We have been attacked by millions of Germans and were only 2million per base we are the stronggest Army in the entire History! We have 45billion and 69million people in the world...

-ADRIAN-Wow! Now plz go inside.

-DAVE-Come quick we need to heal the pilot we've been attacked by the Germans!

-ADRIAN-*SPEAKING RUSSIAN*"Nurse nurse come quick you need to heal this man!"



-NURSE-Ok come here... Lay in this bed... He'll be allright in 25hours

-PERRY-Incomming 37Germans Get ready!

-ADRIAN-Go Release 50Russians to beat them!

-LEUTENANT-Sir yes sir! 50Russians come to the front!...We need to beat 37Germans today were gonna win!


-OLD PILOT-Thanks nurse im all better now..

-ENGINEER-The Big Plane is ready! Come on board go go go!

-NAVALE-Everyone on-board on the plane! ASAP!

-OLD PILOT-All on board! Take of in 5

-NAVALE-Uhhhh... Pilot we need to take of now!

-OLD PILOT-Im trying we need to get more power! In 3

-NAVALE-Ill soldiers buckle up, this is gonna be a hell of a ride!

-OLD PILOT-Were on are we need the Commander Of The Entier Fleet....

-DAVE-Ill go use the radio...

-DAVE-Contact to base do you read me. We need to send max fleet on Ireland wait us there were on airborne!

-BASE CONTROLL-This is base i copy you im sending max fleet we will be waiting for u.

-NAVALE-Ok did you contact the base?

-DAVE-Yes sir! Base contacted!. They'll be on Ireland.

-PERRY-Good job!

-GENERAL-Ill shoot them out!

-ENGINEER-Ill shoot them too!

-NAVALE-Ok sounds like a plan!

-ADRIAN-Where are we? How did we get here?.

-NAVALE-U fell a sleep hehehehehe. Now move your ass and protect this plane!

-ALL-Sir yes sir!

-GERMANS GENERAL-Kill them all! Let nobody live! No mercy! Goooooooooo!

-GENERAL-Ummmm...Sir i think we are not gonna survive!

-NAVALE-Dont think that u just need to send the last nuke in germany and thats it.Happy?

-OLD PILOT-We are in germany droping nuke in 5...4...3...2...1.


-PERRY-Is everyone ok?


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