Morgana III: The History Goddess Forgets Her History

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"Am I really going to have to put my face in the ground and grovel?" I called out to the sky. It was clear without a speck of cloud in the sky. The sky reflected my eyes. Yet thunder rumbled softly and seemed to come from the Empire State Building. That was where Mount Olympus was stationed right now.

Zeus, my uncle, was not happy with me at the moment. It was the day right after I brought Cornelius, Beth, and Hailey to Camp. I knew they were in danger for a long time, but my godly family didn't want me to interfere. Yes, I know how the rules work. Gods can't stand over their children's shoulder and guide them through every problem, but there came a point where there's a promise you're supposed to keep because a demigod risked his life to save our butts. Twice. Who was that demigod? Percy Jackson, of course.

"Uncle, come on!" I cried. "You saved your daughter from getting killed by turning her into a tree. You answered your son's call and help him defeat a giant."

The rumbling suddenly stopped. Now, it was a sort of grudging grumble. I've learned to speak Thunder over time. I knew I won this argument. After all, I was his favorite. The last bolt of lightning struck, and it became peaceful once again.

"Thanks, Zeus! You're my favorite."

Suddenly, a geyser shot up from the canoe lake. I winced and turned around to see the lake bubbling angrily. Go figure.

"Poseidon, it's not like that," I pleaded.

I noticed that some of the kids stopped to stare at me. Some of the younger and newer children gaped at me in shock while the elder just shook their heads like yup, these are our parents. Right now, I didn't care. I didn't want to get vaporized into a pool of ichor, the blood of the immortals.

I sighed in exasperation as a series of bubbles exploded on the lake. "I know, but I can't choose just one of you. Do you really want me to fade and die?"

That got the water to shut up (you know what I mean). Like I said, I'm just too lovable.

"Thanks, Uncle."

I turned and noticed a disheveled-looking Hailey staring at me with blank eyes. She looked terrible. Her curly hair was a rat's nest. Her ocean-blue eyes were cloudy and unfocused. She was still in the clothes from yesterday. Those very leggings and hoodie almost became her death attire. That just made my immortal heart weigh down like iron. I imagined my huge book, Heroes of History, and Hailey's picture showing up on a blank page with her entire life wrote down like a criminal record.

"Hey, Hailey, how are you feeling?" I asked.

She just stared at me with those cloudy eyes. I was scared that she got shot with a manticore spike again. She finally opened her mouth and spoke, "Were you just asking the sky and lake not to kill you?"

I stayed silent for a moment. Apparently she isn't as dazed as she looks. Her mind and tongue were sharp.

"Um, kind of," I admit. "It was more like begging Zeus and Poseidon not to smite me."

She winced slightly. I almost rushed forward to see if she was hurt, but there was no sign of injury. I decided she wasn't physically tired, she was more mentally and emotionally exhausted. She brushed it off and tried to inject more life into her eyes. "The great and mighty goddess Morgana is crying because the sky rumbled?" Hailey smirked. Oh, she really knows how to hit right where it hurts.

"Shut up, call me either Morgan or Mo," I commanded. "The only reason why I was named Morgana was because a long time ago when Titans still roamed, my mother, Persephone—"

"What are you the goddess of, not shutting up?"

Very, very irritated, I summoned a musket and pointed the bayonet at her chest. Sadly, Hailey only looked mildly surprised. She raised her eyebrows, but those blue-green eyes were unchanging. I was hoping for her to drop to her knees and plead to me not to get killed. Instead, she whips me with her wit. "You would really shoot me after so much sacrifice on your part? What a waste."

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