Chapter 26

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The very next night, everyone was excited for the next event. Teams were getting ready for the second event which involved The history of Mazionia and it's language. Cyrus was pretty skilled at language because of virtue's language program​ he mistakenly downloaded onto Cyrus' device. Cyrus decided not to waste the program and actually engage in the language. All of that paid off. Now for Malo, things were different. He was known to be good at history of the Mazionians because of a book he stumbled upon. It was half Drãççøñîx and half Måzíx. It showed the whole entire history of Mazionia. This is going to be easy they thought.

Announcer: hey hey hey! This wisdom​ event is in the second day! Welcome everyone to the competition.

Cyrus: *looks around*

*Someone taps his shoulder*

Cyrus: *looks*

Willow: hi there

Cyrus: Willow! *Hugs her and kisses her cheek non stop*

Willow: *smiling*

Cyrus: you're here to cheer us on?

Willow: yep! ^^

Announcer: all contestants come to the platform.

Willow: good luck *kisses him*

Cyrus: thanks *walks off*

Malo: ....

Cyrus: are you ready?

Malo: I think so.

Cyrus: we got this, alright

Malo: ok

*Two guys walks up to them*

?: Ew, Dracconians.

Cyrus: ...

??: What my friend here is trying to say is, he wishes you the best of luck

*Both of them look very similar to each other*

Cyrus: are you guys related

?: Nope....are you retarded??

Malo: . . .

??: Uhm my friend here is trying to say is that he is..... rather unintelligible

?: That is not what I'm saying at all

Cyrus: .....

?: Anyways, my name is Chase ^^ and this is Chance

Chance: *walks off*

Chase: *sighs* well, I wish you the best of luck

Malo: thanks

Chase: no problem

*Everyone steps on the platforms everything simulates into the old Mazionia*

Chance: this is back when everything was united

Chase: so cool!

Announcer: alright guys, I want you to pick a weapon and do not do anything with it. Dracconia, since you've won the first event​ how about you guys get two weapons in one

*A variety of weapons are summoned*

Cyrus: *grabs an axe* nah. *Gets a random spear* .....nahhh *puts them both away* hmmmm

Malo: .... Just hurry up

Cyrus: ok *grabs the spear and axe*

Chase: *grabs possessed sword*

Chance: ....

Announcer: now the main objective is to speak the Mazionian Word of wisdom while reenacting the war. Whomever gets it accurate will be the winner and win 50 points! Ready.....set.....start!

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