*Author's Note* Hey guys, i hope you enjoy it. please Vote, Comment and Fan!!!!
Haunting The Haunted: Take One
The human race is selfish, it needs to be told that it is amazing or beautiful. It needs self gratification and to get that, it either needs to be told that they are the best thing since slice bread or make someone feel worse than they do. I’m not like this, I couldn’t careless about what people thing about me nor do I need to be constantly told that I am special. No, my name is Melissa Kane and could give a rats ass about any of that stuff. The only thing I care about is not being caught.
Now, I understand that may sound confusing so let me explain. I can see ghost, spirits or whatever you want to call them. I know it sounds stupid, who in their right mind claims that they can see spirits? Well I do. I don’t expect you to believe me but that up to you. Anyway, the reason why I don’t care about all the things mentioned above is because I’m too busy worrying over the fact that my darling parents (we don’t get on well) are going to send me to this stuck up boarding school. I know, you may be thinking, so what? It’s only a boarding school thousands are sent to them all over the world. But here’s the thing, the school that they are sending me to is haunted. And I really don’t want my secret to get out, forcing me to go to a mental asylum because I can see things that no one else can.
So while my parents are off on a cruise, listening to their adoring work colleges about how amazing and brilliant they are, I will be stuck in a haunted school with no way out and hoping that my secret doesn‘t get out. (insert deep breath) Let’s just hope that these spirits are friendly otherwise it’s going to be hell.
Chapter One:
I stood there glaring at my new school. It was this grand old building built in something like the eighteenth century. It looked mightily impressive, how ever I was not pleased. Although I was still only standing at the gates, while my butler (I’m rich so what?) Cedric talked to the man in the security booth, I could feel the presence of a strong angry spirit. Well isn’t that dandy? Oh I also learned that we were not at any cost for any reason to leave our rooms during the night unless the building was on fire. If someone hurts themselves there is a phone in every room which is only for emergencies. Anyway my parents (the ones who told me this) would not go into detail about the reason why.
I continued to glare at the building hating the fact that my parents sent me here, they had said that it wasn’t ’proper’ for a young women of my age to be living at home with only a maid and a butler for company. Their words not mine.
Cedric was finally given the go ahead and the gates opened allowing the limo to pass through them. Yes I was in a limo, they lost the novelty after the fifth time I was in one. We drove up the long spiralling drive way until we came to the drop off point. Cedric pulled the car to a stop and then after opening my door, he went to get my luggage from the boot. This may sound as I’m going to end up acting like a stuck up brat, but I’m not. I’ve just learnt over the years that if I want to blend in with the higher society that my parents are part of then I must act like everyone else.
I got out of the car and straightened out any wrinkles in my plait skirt, it was part of the dull uniform. A plait skirt, white blouse a black cardigan, whit knee length socks and of course black shoes. Oh and did mention the tie that matches the skirt? I didn’t? Never mind, I just did. Although we had to wear the uniform during weekday I was informed that we may dress how ever we wished on the weekend and after school hours. So it wasn’t that bad I guess.
I sighed and went to help Cedric with my things, I hadn’t brought a lot just one suite case and a shoulder bag. I like to travel light. Cedric isn’t as young as he used to be. He has startling white hair sticking up much like that of a new born chick. He had many wrinkles but all in all he had aged quite well. He was after all almost sixty five and close to retirement.
I picked up my shoulder bag and tried to grab my suite case but he beat me too it. He sent me a smile of gratitude though. I smiled back. Together we walked up a stone stair case, the closer I got to the building the stronger the sense of an angry spirit became. I was really dreading this school year and the one after that. I was only sixteen, turning seventeen this year in spring but I had to stay in school until I was eighteen otherwise my lovely parents would cut me off from my inheritance. Which wouldn’t be good seeing as I don’t have any money of my own because they would not allow me to get a job.
As we entered the building and out of the cold September weather and into the warmth, I felt suddenly ill. There was the scent of blood in the air and the temperature dropped dramatically. It made me nauseous. I managed to hide that uncomfortable, because I was so pale and the fact that my long straight brown hair hid my face like a curtain. We carried on walking until we reached the main office. By then I felt almost faint from the horrid smell. But as soon as we entered the headmaster’s office the scent went away and I was able to breath again and take in my surroundings.
“Hello and welcome to Avenue boarding school.” the headmaster said in a gruff voice. He looked to be in his fifties with greying dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and wore a dark grey suite. But seemed like a decent guy. “I’m Mr Anderson, your headmaster.”
I mumbled a “Hi, and thanks for having me.” I wasn’t really good at talking to strangers as I’m not a very social person, I preferred books, if I said at home and read then I was less likely to run into ghosts too.
“I know that you are starting slightly later than the rest of he students but let that put you off from settling in and making friends.” he paused. “You may meet future allies here, as the majority of the students are from influential families such as yours.” He again paused but this time to hand me my time table, room number, which also stated the name of my roommate name and my room key. I thanked him and then let him continue. “Your butler will help you get your belongings to your room but after that he will have to leave. I hope you enjoy your stay here with us Ms. Kane.”
I nodded and shook his hand before leaving, Cedric follows me out. Luckily when we left the room the stench of blood had decreased so I wasn’t effected as badly as I was before. I could bare it. I looked at room I had and saw that it was all the way at the far end of the school campus in Dorm 3 Room 601 and my room mate was a girl called Cameron Matthews. I told Cedric to follow me as I exited the main building and walked along the path to the Dorms. I had memorised the map so I wouldn’t get lost, I even went as far as digging up some blueprints of the school and packing them as well. You can never be too careful.
I took this time to look over my timetable, ignoring all the stares from the students that littered the path.
7:30-8:00 = Breakfast
8:05-8:30= Assembly/ registration (assemblies were only on Mondays and Wednesday)
8:35-9:35= Maths (what a great lesson to start the day)-Mr Morris
9:40-10:40= History -Mrs Harrison
10:45-11:00= Break
11:00-12:00= Study hall -supervised by Mr Laurence
12:00-13:05= Lunch
13:05-14:05= Physics -Miss Russo
14:10-15:01= Physics-Miss Russo
15:15-16:15= geography-Mr Banks
I had just finished looking at my timetable when someone’s shoulder slammed into mine and knocked me to the floor. I landed which a thump in a heap. I was not impressed, my butt hurt. I glared up at my ’attacker’. It was a young man, around my age, with natural tan skin and dark hair and eyes framed by black glasses. To be honest he was quite handsome. He was dressed in the boys uniform but I’ll describe that later.
“Watch were you’re going,” he spat at me as Cedric helped me up. I dusted my self off as I stood and thanked Cedric before carry on in the direction we were going. I was going to ignore that rude man and I would have if his friend (who I hadn’t noticed) shouted at me,
“Oi! Apologies to him.” I whipped my head around in time to see my ’attacker’ mutter to his friend before he walked off. His friend, who was pale skinned and blond haired, followed after him. I just shook my head and carried on walking, I was tired, I had been in a car for four hours and being constantly surround by the stench of blood was taking it’s toll.
We finally made it to the dorm room, I took my suit case off Cedric saying that I could take it from here.
“Are you sure Miss Kane?” he asked with concern.
“Yes Cedric, I’m sure. You may go now.” I said with a small smile. I like Cedric he was like a grandfather figure to me.
“Alright miss, I wish you luck.” he said before walking off. He wasn’t one for goodbyes. I mumbled a thank you before turning around and heading into the dorm.
It was warm and full of earthy colours, it seemed like a decent place to live. I walked up the first set of stairs following the signs. My room was on the second floor. I wondered down the corridor wondering what my roommate would be like but at the same time I couldn’t get that guys face out of my mind. His caramel skin and mocha coloured hair which hung in front of his dark dreamy eyes which were framed in those dreamy black glasses, his sharp high cheek bones… and at this point in my trail of thoughts I slapped myself. Yes, I did in fact slap my own face.
A girl with long -bleached- blonde hair walked passed and gave me a look which meant ‘strange child’. I just smiled sweetly back before concentrating on finding my room. I literally just turned around and found myself in front room 601.
I took a deep breath and went in.
Behind the door was a large room with a door off it, which was probably the bathroom. There were two beds on either side of the room, one was already covered in clothes and a black duvet. That was obviously taken by my roommate Cameron. I walked to the other bed and dumped my things down on it. I started to unpack, I was in the middle of unzipping my suitcase when suddenly a door opened and a cloud of steam flowed out of it.
I turned around and saw this little blonde elf of a girl wrapped in a white towel. She was singing the song called price tag by Jesse J. the girl wasn’t that bad a singer either. She also danced around the room, she obviously hadn’t realised that I was here.
“Hello, I’m Melissa Kane.” I said loudly trying to get her attention. So this was my roommate Cameron eh? She jumped and spun around and looked at me in shock. Her green eyes wide. Her features were small in her round face, and I was right with my first assumption: she looked like an elf or pixie.
“Crap. H-how long have you been there?” she stuttered out in a semi high voice.
“Not that long, but I did see your dance.” I said with a smirk. She turned all kinds of red before becoming her pale self again. She suddenly walked up to me and walked around me like she was surveying her next meal. it was sort of creepy.
“What was your name again?” she asked as she circled me like a vulture.
“Melissa Kane.” I said again in the same posh voice.
“I like it but you need a nickname, Melissa is too long.” she paused. “I’m Cam Mathews.” she smiled.
“How about you get dressed first then we’ll decide on a nickname for me.” I said as her towel almost fell. She blushed before grabbing her clothes and rushing back into the bathroom. I shook my head in amusement I was going to like my roommate she seemed pretty cool.
I took this time to, yes to think about that guy again. I wouldn’t have thought anybody could pull of the boy’s version of the uniform but he could. It was a white button down shirt a plait tie black trousers, a black jumper and the black shoes. Actually thinking about it now it doesn’t sound that bad.
I was shaken from my thoughts when Cam burst back into the room with a grin on her face. “I know what your nickname can be!” she bounced on her feet with excitement. Okay I’m scared now.
“Your name means Honey-bee,” wait it does? She continued. “So I shall call you Honey!” she clapped her hands applauding her own idea.
“Erm..” Was all I could say, Honey was too be my nickname. It was odd, seeing as I didn’t even have honey coloured hair, my hair was a rich brown and my eyes the colour of grass after it rains.
“Trust me it’ll grow on you.” She said as she started to brush her wet hair. I rolled my eyes. But suddenly a deep chill entered the room
I started to shiver and the scent of blood was back. Oh god not now! My teeth started to chatter and I felt physically sick. The aura of anger was so strong that I fell to my knees.
“Honey! Are you alright?” Cam called out as she rushed to my side in panic. I groaned, the stench of blood was overwhelming and then if you add the freezing cold temperature.. It was almost unbearable. But as soon as it came the stench and cold was gone.
I took deep breaths and slowly sat up. “I’m okay, I just didn’t feel well for a moment.” I lied.
“Are you sure?” her face was full of concern, I felt bad that I worried her.
“Yeah I’m fine,” and then I went on to lighter subjects. “But I don’t think the nickname works, it was weird when you shouted ‘Honey’ at me.” I said with a giggle.
“Your right it doesn’t fit, how about I just call you Mel?” she asked. I nodded my agreement. “Well then Mel, it’s nice to meet you I’m Cam.” she laughed.
“Nice to meet you too, Cam.” I said and grinned.
“Right now that is out of the way let’s go get some lunch I’m starving!” Cam exclaimed.
“Sounds good.” I stood up and smoothed down my skirt and made sure that my blouse was still tucked in. Cam linked her arm through mine and walked out the door closing and locking it behind us.
“This way,” she muttered as she dragged me down the hallway. And then in a slightly louder voice she asked, “Oh and were you told the rules about not leaving your room at night?”
I nodded, “ Yeah I was told them but not why.”
“Well,” she paused to look around us as we left the dorm house. “It’s because this school is haunted, and when ever a student male or female, walks the hallways at night they vanish.”
“Wait what do you mean they vanish?” this was unlike any spirit I had come across before.
“They don’t come back to their room and no matter how much we search for them afterwards there is never any sign of them.” She paused again. And then in a sad tone she said “They just vanished.”
“Your last roommate was one of them that vanished, wasn’t she?” I asked in a small voice.
“Yeah.” she said in the same voice before becoming her happy chipper self again. “Oh look we’re at the Canteen already.” I looked around and saw that we were indeed at our destination.
The Canteen was brand new and contrasted greatly with the rest of the school. It was modern and up to date. It was a larger version of the high tech kitchens you see on the TV. I followed Cam over to the line to grab some food.
They had quite the selection but I won’t bore you with everything they have, I just got an apple, ham and cheese sandwich and a double chocolate cookie, I need my chocolate fix after being assaulted by a spirit, who is trying to mess with my health. We sat down at a table at the back room and started talking about random stuff from our lives.
I learnt that Cam is one half of a set of twins her brother was called Aiden and was a pain in the butt, her words not mine. She also told me that her family were rich but not one of the big families like mine. Oh and she has a cat called Coco back at home. I laughed at that and she joined in.
“What are you ladies talking about?” Came a smooth voice. I looked up and saw the blond guy who wanted me to apologise to his friend when it wasn’t my fault.
“Mel, this is my brother Aiden, Aiden this is my new roommate and friend Melissa Kane but I just call her Mel.” Cam said with a mouth full of her sandwich.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full” Aiden said as he rapt his knuckles against her head. She glares at him but says no more. He then turns and looks at me. “Your that posh chick with the old butler that walked into my mate Scott.” He said with narrowed eyes.
“You can call me Mel.” was all I said be for picking up my cookie and taking a bite. I had already eaten my sandwich and apple. I’m a fast eater.
He just stared at me for a moment before shrugging and sitting next to Cam. “ any friend of Cam’s is a friend of mine, even if she is a stuck up rich brat.” he said with a friendly grin.
“Aiden!” Cam protested.
“It’s alright Cam, he doesn’t seem to realise that he is a rich brat as well.” I said with a smirk in his direction.
“Touché,” he conceded. Cam just sighed and I think she muttered something that sounded like the word ’idiots’ but I’m not sure. Aiden was about to say something else but he was interrupted by the chair next to me being pulled out.
“Scott,” he then fist bumped his friend and I looked over and saw that it was indeed the guy who ran into me. Great.
“Hey,” was all Scott said.
“Oh, Mel. This is Scott Tanner, Scott this is Melissa Kane but Cam calls her Mel.” Aiden did the introductions.
I just mumbled a pathetic hello, before stuffing more cookie into my mouth. I love cookies.
“Your part of the richest Family in Europe right?” Scott asked.
“Yes, but-” he didn’t give me a chance to finish.
“And I’m guessing then that you had your butler unpack all your things and put them away neatly.” he said with a disgusted tone.
“No, actually I sent him home as soon as he would let me. I unpacked all my own stuff. I’m not an invalid I can do things for my self.” Just like I have been doing for my whole life. Scott just glared at me before he stared to eat.
It as then that a ghost decided to make it presence known. Great.
Chapter Two:
I sat frozen in my chair as a slightly translucent body of a teenage boy floated in front of me. The temperature had dropped and I could feel Goosebumps on my arms. Oh lord please not now! There was a ghost standing in front of me. It wasn’t the same ghost that makes the stench of blood but it was still a ghost. The ghostly boy had a blood running down into his shirt from a slit in his neck, and his lifeless eyes bored into mine. I felt sick.
“Mel, what are you staring at?” I could hear Cam ask but I couldn’t answer, I was stiff with fear. I felt Scott next to me lean towards me and whisper in my ear.
“Do you see him?” His warm breath trickled across my cold ear. I just nodded. He paused for a moment before continuing. “You need to look away then. Don’t let him trap you.”
I can’t! my mind protested. I could hear my self starting to whimper as the ghostly boy moved closer to me. His face full of malice. He wanted to do me harm. I then felt a warm arm around my shoulder and a hand on my chin. The hand moved my face into Scott’s chest so I could no longer see the ghost and his arm kept me warm. I closed my eyes and just held on tightly to Scott as he rubbed the feeling back into my arms.
I heard Aiden mutter something in a different language and then the could was gone and so was the menacing presence of the ghost boy. I slowly looked up, I was afraid to see what kind of freak everyone thought I was.
I was surprised to see that nobody but the people on our table had noticed what had happened.
“Are you okay now?” Scott asked, his voice full concern, which was completely different to how he had acted when we first met. I blushed and moved away from him slightly, causing his arm to drop from around my shoulders. I tried not to feel disappointed that his added warmth was now gone.
“Yeah I’m alright, “ I croaked out. My throat felt sore for some reason.
“Mel, what happened? You suddenly freaked out and wouldn’t stop staring at the wall then Scott whispered something to you, made you look away. Aiden then muttered something in a weird language!” Cam exclaimed fear clear in her voice.
“Um, well” I stuttered for a response.
“Mel, it seems can also see spirits like Scott and I.” Aiden said while hugging his sister to try and calm her down.
“Really?” she asked in a small voice.
“Yeah, I have been since I was little.” I said in a shy voice. Please don’t freak out. I begged in my mind.
“That’s pretty cool.” she paused before her eyes lit with understanding. “is that why you almost fainted in our room?” she asked. Man she’s sharp.
I nodded. “Yeah and talking about our room, I’m going to bed I’m exhausted.” I said as I stood. “I’ll see you in a bit Cam. It was nice meeting you two.” I gestured to Aiden and Scott before walking off and disposing my rubbish.
* * * * * * *
I lay on my bed staring at the whit ceiling. It took me ages to make my bed but once I had I found that I no longer wanted to sleep. Yes I was tired but I wanted to know more about Scott and Aiden. They see ghosts too? And I couldn’t believe that my secret had already gotten out and it wasn’t even the first day of school. It was the afternoon of a school day yes, but my first day of school wouldn’t start until tomorrow.
I sighed and turned over. I had already changed into my pyjamas, brushed my teeth and cleaned up. But I still couldn’t sleep. The ghostly boy’s stare was still in my mind and bones felt that they would never be warm again. The only time I had felt warm during that was when Scott put his arm around me and forced me to look away from the ghost’s terrifying eyes.
I shook y head and turned over again, sleep! I commanded myself. Sleep! My body finally listened to me and my eyes shut. The last thing I heard was the door opening and Cam saying goodnight.
* * * * * * *
It was dark and cold. It was so cold. I walking down the hallway, I knew I shouldn’t be here. Not only was it against the rules but the fact this place was said to haunted just screamed bad idea. But it was a dare and I had to it. As I walked the floor boards creaked and groaned. I winced, hoping that they wouldn’t give me away. Then suddenly there was scent of blood. I gagged, doubling over, the stench was so strong. Where was it coming from?
I walked forward, wanting to know what the source of the smell was. It was strongest by an ordinary door. Trying no to not breathe I grabbed the door knob and twisted it. The door opened with a groan and the smell was worse. Before I could scream at the terrible sight a cold slimy hand covered my mouth. I struggled but to no avail. I don’t know which was worse, that some stranger had it’s hands around my mouth and neck or the sight be for me.
It was a mangled mess. It was a boy of my age, his throat slit his arms and legs twisted in all directions. But what was worse was that his eyes were wide open in terror and pain, but they were blank and empty of life. I tried to scream again but I was dragged into the room. God No!
* * * * * * *
I woke with a start. My whole frame was shaking. Oh god. W-what a dream. It was the same boy from the Canteen that was the one mangled in that room. His blank stare came back to haunt me. I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. I was so scared. My body shook with silent sobs as I turned over. I didn’t want to wake Cam up, it was still dark and a glance at my clock showed that it was only five in the morning two and half hours until breakfast.
My tears soaked my pillow, I could stop my self from thinking of the ghost boy. His twisted limbs… Oh god make it stop! I don’t want to think about it anymore. I got up quickly and staggered out of my bed and towards the bath room. I wouldn’t wonder the halls but I could at least get up and get dressed for classes.
After showering I got dressed in the dreaded uniform and was disappointed that the hot water didn’t wash away my nightmare, but at least I had stopped shaking and crying. With a sigh I left the bathroom and just sat on my bed staring at the clock as combed my hair.
I must have faded out because the next thing I knew was Cam’s alarm clock going off saying it was seven o’clock. I was still sitting up right with my brush in my hand. My hair was now super straight, I must have continued to comb my hair when I had daydreamed the past two hours away. With a chuckle I got up, put my brush down and went to wake Cam who was still snoring away.
“Cam, Cam!” I whispered. No response so I shook her and shouted her name in her ear. She jumped and squealed in shock.
“Mel! You could have at least woke me up nicer.” Cam protested when I then pushed her off her bed. I smiled and left her to get up and went to sort out my shoulder bag. I put notebooks and a pencil case into it.
She grumbled as she shuffled to the bathroom in her pink bunnies pyjamas, which made me laugh and earned me a glare from her. She really wasn’t a morning person. My laughter was cut short when a loud scream came from down the corridor. I paled and ran to the door, I stuck my head out to see others doing the same.
The was a pretty blonde haired girl crying hysterically.
“What’s going on?” a more awake Cam asked me as she joined me at the door.
“I don’t know, there’s a girl crying hysterically in the hall-” before I could finish my sentence the girl shouted.
“It took her! The Ghost took Aimee.” there was a collective gasp that travelled down the hallway. One girl fled her room shouting over her shoulder that she was going to get the headmaster, Mr Anderson.
“It’s my fault.” The girl cried. “I dared her to do it .”
We all just stood there watching the poor girl cry, well we did until her friends were told ad ran up the stairs to our floor and hugged her as she cried. The headmaster arrived soon after followed by the girl how had fetched him.
He looked at us gravely before he said, “Girls I want you all to go back into your rooms, get ready for school and head down to breakfast.” he paused to let the wave of protest pass before continuing. “You will hear more about this during an emergency assembly. Now move.”
We moved.
Seeing as I was already dressed and ready to go, I helped Cam along by packing her bag and hurrying her up. Soon we both were heading to the canteen. Word had already gotten around about the fact that another student had been ‘taken’ by the ghost. Most people whispered that she had run away but I on the other hand fully believed that she had indeed been taken.
We sat down at the same table as yesterday and waited for the boys to arrive. I had only gotten toast while Cam claiming that she couldn’t sat with nothing in front of her. I pushed my plate towards her,
“Cam, you need to eat.”
“Mel, how can you eat? A student is missing!” she protested.
“If I don’t eat I won’t have any energy to do anything and if they ask us to help with the search then I wouldn’t be able too because I would have no energy.”
“Fine.” she huffed before walking off to get her own food. I took another bite out of my toast just as Aiden suddenly came into view with a panicked look on his face.
“Where’s my sister?” he asked desperately.
“She’s gone-” before could finish my sentence he started to panic more so.
“she’s gone? Oh my god it took my sister my Cam’s gone-” he was cut off by Scott who hit him over the head.
“Let Mel finish her sentence and you will find out where your sister is.” Scott said as he sat down next to me and nicked a piece of my toast.
“Hey, get your own.” he just smirked at me as he took a bite out of it. Meanie. I then turned to Aiden. “Your sister has gone to get her own food after I forced her eat something.” I hurried through my sentence so he wouldn’t interrupt me. He sighed with relief and slumped down on my other side.
“Tell us about the girl who’s missing.” Scott asked gently as he got out a black note book.
“I don’t know much, and why do you have you gotten out a notebook?” I asked. What’s it for?
“I record everything about ghosts, I’ve even written down your encounter that you had yesterday.” He admitted.
“Okay, well as far as I know a girl called Aimee was taken because she had wandered the hallways because of a dare..” I trailed off as my dream came back to me.
But it was a dare and I had to it
“Oh god, it’s like my dream.” I whispered to myself.
“What?” Scott asked. He was sitting close enough to have heard me.
“N-nothing.” I stuttered just as Cam came back with a plate piled high with food. I turned to her with a smirk trying to forget the previous conversation and my dream. “ I thought you weren’t hungry?”
“Shut up” she mumbled through a mouthful of food. I just grinned in response.
“Now Mel, what did you mean when you said that it was just like your dream?”
Scott asked me quietly while Aiden and Cam argued over something.
With a sigh I told him in whispers about the dream I had last night only leaving out my reaction to it when I woke. He wrote it all down with interrupting me. As I spoke, I got flash backs of the dream. The twisted body, the hand over my mouth and the stench of blood. I was no longer hungry when I had finished telling him. I pushed my plate away.
“Hmm, interesting.” he murmured to himself. I didn’t get a chance to ask him what he meant by ‘interesting’ because a bell went and we all escorted into an assembly hall. We sat next to each other, I was in-between Cam and Scott and Aiden sat next his sister, he was still getting over the panic he felt earlier.
We all sat in silence. Everyone knew that the girl had gone missing and we were all eager for more information. The head master walked out in front of us his head bowed. This was not going to be good news.
“You have all probably heard by now that Aimee Jones, a student here has gone missing.” He paused. “She wondered the hallways at night for a dare.” at this part he glared at us. “Only she never returned. During third lesson the majority of the school has a study period, and for the duration of that period, everyday of the wee, you will be sent to search the school grounds until we find her.” And with that he closed the assembly and sent us on our way.
Everyone got up and exited the room.
“So, Mel” Aiden said as he swung an arm over my shoulder. “What lesson do you have first?”
“Maths with Mr Morris.” I replied as I walked in the direction of it. He followed.
“What a surprise so do I!” he exclaimed happily which made me laugh.
“I have maths but with Miss French.” Cam said sadly, “but don’t you have history with Mrs Harrison after that?” I gave her a ‘who on earth would you know that?’ look. “I glanced at your timetable last night while you were in dreamland.”
Although she hadn’t meant it in the way thought about it, I still froze on the spot as my dream came back to the forefront of my mind again. It was almost as If I was reliving it- I was broken out of my thoughts when Scott rapt his knuckles on the top of my head.
“Stop thinking about it, Dummy.” I rolled my eyes at him but silently thanked him.
“Stop thinking about what?” Cam and Aiden ask at the same time.
“She had a nightmare last night and couldn’t stop thinking about it.” Scott answered for me. I rolled my eyes at him before turning into the class room on my left.
Time for maths.
* * * * * * *
“I am never sitting next to Aiden in maths again,” I told Cam as we sat down for history. “It was hell.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad…” she trailed off. “Okay, it probably was.” she said with a laugh.
“What did that idiot do now?” Scott asked as he sat down on the other side me.
“Nothing much he just didn’t make my first maths class easy.” I said. I didn’t want to wine about myself when my life isn’t that bad.
“Well according to Aiden - he just text me- and he said that he is really sorry for annoying you in maths because when you left you seemed pissed off.”
Before they made me spill my guts Mrs Harrison drew us in and talked our ears off about history. Now I like history, don’t get me wrong but she just made it so boring!
* * * * * * *
Thankfully the lesson ended quickly and we all filed out. I almost lost them in the crowd as Cam had already disappeared into the rush, but luckily Scott was still just ahead of me. I grabbed one of his tan hands before he got to far ahead and then kind of skipped a little so I would be standing next to him.
“I didn’t want to get lost.” I said with a shrug. He just smirked but squeezed my hand in return. I bushed. Yes I did indeed blush, what can I say he’s hot. We caught up to the others. I quickly let go of his hand when I saw them. I didn’t have to look at him to no that he was smirking again.
Aiden came up to me with a face like a wounded puppy. I rolled my eyes at him but decided to let him suffer a bit more. I walked passed him and stared talking to Cam about random things until Scott came up to us also ignoring a wounded Aiden.
“Let’s head over to the canteen, that’s where they are organising the search groups.” we all agreed and started to walk in that direction with Aiden following behind us with his tail between his legs.
Chapter Three:
We all gathered in the canteen I had already forgiven Aiden because I couldn’t stand his puppy dog eyes anymore. We were told that we had to search in groups of four and had to report back in ten minutes before the end of the period, otherwise they would then send a search party after your group and when your found there will be consequences.
“Right where should we start looking?” Cam asked. Scott automatically looked at me.
“Where she vanished, in the girl dorms.” I said in a matter of fact voice.
“I’ll go let the teachers know.” and then we were off.
* * * * * * *
We walked through the hallway, what surprised me was that Scott kept close to me. It was after we entered the second floor that the stench of blood filled my nose. I felt my blood run cold. I forced my self to keep moving though. I walked towards the scent.
“Does anyone else smell that?” I asked as the smell got stronger.
“No, what is it?” Aiden asked.
“Blood.” I whispered as I kept walking. They all froze but I kept going following my nose and trying not to gag. I closed my eyes and tried to bring up dream. And then I knew what the door looked liked I just had to find. I opened my eyes and started to walk fast.
“Where are you going, Mel?” Scott asked me. As his long strides easily kept up with me.
“In my dream, she stopped by a door, I just need to find the right one.” I summed it up the best I could.
“Okay, lead the way.” was all he said.
And so I did, I walked I didn’t realise this before but the dorms are connected and so it was kind of like a mini maze. But then at one point it felt as if I had passed through a wall. A wall of sorrow and anger. Those emotions along with the increasing stench made me double over. My friends rushed to my sides but ignored them. I had found the door.
It stood in front of me mocking me. The others still couldn’t smell anything and I dreaded opening the door. I reached for the handle but when I grabbed it, it was ice cold. I had found the room where the main ghost had taken it’s last victim.
More hands appeared on top of mine and I saw that the guys have put theirs on mine to help me open the door to give me the confidence to do it.
“On three.” Cam suggested.
“One.” Aiden said.
“Two.” Scott used his spare hand to squeeze my shoulder in comfort.
“Three.” I breathed out and we twisted the door knob.
The smell of blood spilled out of the room stronger than ever before. And there before us on a school table was the missing girl, only we got to her to late. I fell to the ground and cried in horror. Oh god!
“Oh my god, oh my god” I had started to hyperventilate. Someone crouched down next to me and started to rub my back in a soothing way, while they told the others to get the head master and tell that we had found the girl.
I couldn’t get the image out of my mind. It was worse than my dream, I had actually seen this girl around. It was the girl who had given me a strange look when I had slapped myself. Now she was dead. Her throat slit her limbs twisted at unnatural angles. Her head was facing our direction, so when we had opened the door I had seen her expression.
Her once pretty features were mutated in pure fear. And her eyes, God her eyes. They were wide and blood shot but blank, lifeless. I shuddered. But then I remembered that there was someone else here with me. I looked up and saw Scott standing over me like guard. I stood up but before I could do anything, I was suddenly shoved into the room. Scott flew in after me.
“What-” I couldn’t even finish my sentence, the door swung shut and I heard it click. “Oh no, please no!” I begged as I ran to the door and tugged on the handle. It would not open. And then the lights went out. The black out blinds were pulled down so it was pitch black in here, I could barely see my own hand in front of my face.
And then the temperature dropped. I looked around for Scott but of course I couldn’t see him.
“Scott?” I called with panic clear in my voice.
“I’m here Mel.” and then I felt his warm hand on my shoulder.
“Thank God.” we just stood there for a moment, standing close together trying not to freak out completely. “W-what should we do?” I asked.
“Cam and Aiden should have the headmaster here soon so we’ll just have to wait until then.” he said in a calm voice, but I could tell by how tense he was that he really was scared.
“Let’s sit and wait,” I said and stated to sit against the wall when he stopped me.
“There’s blood on the floor,” his voice was anxious. Oh right. And then the temperature dropped and scenes from my dream flashed through my mind. The hand over the mouth…
I turned to Scott quickly and hugged him tightly.
“Mel?” he asked, his voice strained and slight quivering.
“In the dream a ghostly hand covered the girls mouth.” I whispered into his ear as I brought his face down into the crook of neck. “So don’t move your head, I don’t want it to get you too.”
He held me tighter then and shuddered, before becoming solid again. “Alright,” he murmured back. It was then that a glowing figure appeared in the middle of the room, lighting up the body of the dead girl.
“Scott, look.” I gestured to the ghostly person. It was women, I could tell that much and she also had had her neck slit but something was different about her.
“You’re the one doing this aren’t you?” he asked in cold voice.
The ghost smiled blood ran out of it’s mouth and down her chin. God it was grotesque. I clutched Scott tighter. The temperature was so low that I could see my own breath.
“W-what d-do y-you w-want?” I said through chattering teeth.
“Blood.” Came the simple reply but it sound guttural.
“W-why?” Scott asked, his teeth were chattering to.
“I think I know,” I answered for the ghost. My chest felt heavy, I don’t know how I knew this, why I said this but it was almost as it was speaking through me. I could hear the words coming out of my mouth but they weren’t mine.
“It was a dare,” my voice rasped. “ Before this building was a school, it was the home of a serial killer but my friends didn‘t know that at the time.” I paused. “I walked the corridors unaware that a killer was waiting for me, when he found me he broke my body and slit my throat !” I wailed. “I’m so alone!”
“It’s isn’t these people’s fault. They had nothing to do with your death. Is killing innocent teenagers really making you feel better?” he asked. I could feel tears running down my face as I wordlessly shook my head no.
“I don’t want to be alone!” I cried. Scott touched my shoulder gently.
“I think it’s time for you to move on,” and then my chest felt light again and I swayed. Scott caught me and we both looked up as a blinding pure light filled the room, and then the ghost was gone and we were left standing in a blood stained room.
The door opened and in came the teachers. They swore, they cried and shouted at us for entering the room, all the while Scott and I just stood there mutely, unable to express how devastated and horrified we felt.
The school was reopened five weeks later, and all the students were welcomed back if they wanted to go back of course. My parents sent me back with out even a glance, they didn’t seemed to care about the fact that I had found a dead girl. I hoped that my friends were being sent back so I could at least talk to them about what had happened.
We all sat around the same table in which me met.
“What happened in that room when we gone.” Cam asked concern thick in her voice. Aiden sat next to her, doing his brotherly duties by having his arm, around her shoulder and keeping her calm.
I looked at Scott and asked “did you write it down in your black note book?” he nodded, yes. “Can we just let them read it so we don’t have to retell what had happened.”
He smiled softly at me with understanding and handed the notebook over to them, before digging into his toast.
“Mel,” Aiden started. “It says here that you had a dream about Aimee and how she..” he trailed off not wanting to finish his sentence.
“Yes,” I said in a strained voice, I didn’t want to think about, I had had constant nightmares about it.
“Will you tell us if you ever have a dream like that again?” Cam asked looking up from the notebook.
“Yeah, let’s give her our mobile numbers so she can text anyone of us, if we aren’t around.” Aiden suggested. We all swapped numbers.
We all just sat there for a moment looking at each other and as the bell rang, I knew this was a start to beautiful friendship.

Haunting The Haunted:
ParanormalMelissa Kane can see Ghosts. She is sent to a boarding school by her parents and she just hopes that her secret doesn't get out. What happens when the school she is sent to is haunted? A girl goes missing and the stentch of blood is fresh in the air...