Day Two

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I got home from the store and texted Kat letting her know I made it safely home. I headed upstairs to my room and changed into some shorts and a tank top before heading back outside to bring the groceries in. A few minutes later I finished putting the stuff away when I heard the door open. I walked to the living room to see my father coming in from work and taking his boots off. I instantly become nervous as I begin to speak.

"Hey pops, how was work?" I asked expecting him to ignore me and go to his room.

"It was work" he said in a irritated tone. I watched as he walked to the kitchen and open the cabinet and grab his bottle of whiskey and head to his room and closing the door. I sighed and decided to clean the house a little before my mom got home. I had just finished doing a load of laundry when I heard my name being called from the living room. I walked in and saw my mom with a small smile.

"Hey momma, how was work?' I asked hugging her before taking a seat on the couch. She sat down in her chair and took her shoes off relaxing.

"It was okay. It was pretty busy a lot of clients were being assholes but I understood why seeing as they're being fucked over by the state." I listened closely to her as I brought my feet up onto the couch and started thinking about how tired she has been lately. It was about nine thirty before I decided to head to bed. I excused myself from the living room and headed upstairs to get ready. I slipped into something comfortable and grabbed my headphones. I laid down on my bed thinking about how this year is gonna be before putting my headphones in and finding a song. I decided on listening to The Night We Met by Lord Huron. As I laid there listening to the song memories started flooding through my mind. I stopped on a memory of last year when I was hanging out with Kat. I remember we were at the lake and just watching the waves as the sun started to set. I looked towards Kat as she was looking towards the sunset. I just sat there and really looked at her. I noticed the freckles around her eyes. The way she would breathe in slowly and how her nose twitched every now and then. I remember seeing the sunlight reflect onto her eyes. The different tones of brown and how there were speckles of gold. She turned and looked at me and I just gave her a small smile before turning back towards the lake and watching the sun. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my door open and saw my father standing there with a worried look on his face.

"somethings wrong with momma y/n!" I jumped out of bed and ran towards my parents room finding my mom on the bed having a seizure. I jumped on the bed and grabbed my moms head making sure it didn't hit anything.

"Call 911 now" I said to my father calmly. I looked up after not seeing him move to find him frozen. I had to admit it was scary seeing her like this but we cant just sit here and watch.

"Call 911 now!" I shouted at him before he ran and grabbed the house phone calling 911. I followed the operators orders and waited for the paramedics to get here. I moved out the way of the paramedics as they loaded her onto the gurney and took her to the hospital. I got dressed and headed to my car going straight to the hospital and waiting for some news. It was about four thirty am when the doctor came out and explained that they didn't find anything on the xrays or scans. He decided to keep her for a few days and keep an eye on her to make sure nothing was seriously wrong. I sat back down in my chair and sighed remembering what had just happened not that long ago. I stayed at the hospital for another hour before heading home and getting ready for school. As I made it to school and got to first period I didn't know what today has in hold for me but little did I know today was gonna get more confusing.

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