Getting to know us😘

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Aria Pov: Hey I'm Aria I'm 17 I live in the Bronxs my family is poor I can't wait to move out and live some where nice, This is me

I'm 5'3 I'm a senior in high school and I have a scholarship to Harvard I have a crush in school his name is Amari he fine ass hell and also my bestfriends the twins, Brielle, Raylinn, Jasmine and finally Raymari

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I'm 5'3 I'm a senior in high school and I have a scholarship to Harvard I have a crush in school his name is Amari he fine ass hell and also my bestfriends the twins, Brielle, Raylinn, Jasmine and finally Raymari.

I'm 5'3 I'm a senior in high school and I have a scholarship to Harvard I have a crush in school his name is Amari he fine ass hell and also my bestfriends the twins, Brielle, Raylinn, Jasmine and finally Raymari

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These are the twins Maria is the one with a middle part and Mercedes is the one with a side part there both 17 and is 5'4 and their single but Mercedes like  Carter

This is raymari she is my closest friend out of everbody else we been bestfriends since the 4th grade she is 17 and her brother is amari yup my crush she is 5'5 and is also going to Harvard

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This is raymari she is my closest friend out of everbody else we been bestfriends since the 4th grade she is 17 and her brother is amari yup my crush she is 5'5 and is also going to Harvard

This is raymari she is my closest friend out of everbody else we been bestfriends since the 4th grade she is 17 and her brother is amari yup my crush she is 5'5 and is also going to Harvard

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