26. I think you breath too much

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Annie's POV

"So you got kidnapped, beaten, kissed, helped, and you are still alive!?" Allen questions.

"That's freakin awesome!" Nichole laughs.

"And also I made Craig's blind spot bigger." I say taking a sip of my water.

"You blinded him?" Nate asks.

"No. I just took out one of his eyes." I shrug.

"You almost got more brutal than me." Daniela gasps.

They all run to the kitchen when Steve yells 'pizza is here'. I stand up slowly. I'm still hurting and it's hard for me to stand. Nate catches me as I stumble back.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem." He smiles.

He holds my hand and walks me to the kitchen.

"I think we get pizza way too much." Miwa says.

"I think you breathe too much." Allen giggles.

Miwa punches him in the gut and he hunches over.

"Love you too, babe." He huffs out.

Nate walks me to an open seat and helps me sit down. He goes to the fridge and takes out a sandwich. He gives it to me and then gets me a soda. I'm over pizza.

"Annie!" Bogo comes in and his eyes grow wide.

"Can you believe it? She escaped hell." Allen laughs.

"Hey, Bogo." I wave, "Can't get rid of me that easily."

Bogo smiles but before he can say anything his phone goes off and he looks at the number.

"Excuse me." He says in an angry tone.

He walks away and I hear him leave the house. Everyone shares looks and goes back to eating.

"We should get ready for the masquerade ball tonight." I say.

"Are you kidding me? You are not going." Nate says.

"Well too bad but I am." I protest.

Nikkie shuffles next to me and steps on my foot. That's her and my way of telling each other to shut up.

"I'm not going to let you go." Nate says.

"Fine." I grumble.

I get up and walk to my room. Nichole follows me and walks in front of me.

"Don't you see? This is your chance to sneak into the party and take down Craig." Nikkie says.

How could I have been so blind?! Of course, I can do that!

"This is why we are friends." I chuckle.

"Well, there always has to be a smart friend." Nikkie smiles and walks out of the room.

I roll my eyes and follow her out. Nate and the others were grabbing their bags and heading to the door.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask.

"We are heading to my cousin's so she can do our makeup." Miwa answers.

"Stay here and rest." Nate smiles and pats my head.

Nikkie gives me a wink and a small smirk before shutting the front door and leaving with everyone else.

I smirk and head back upstairs. I head into my room and let my weight take me down onto the bed.

"I'm going to have some fun tonight!" I chuckle.


Cody POV

I walk into the restroom and look into the plain silver mirror. My hair was combed straight back and I was wearing a blue suit with a white shirt under. My pants were clean and went down to my ankles. My boots were freshly polished and were a glistening black.

I pull out my black mask and put it over my face. I look back up at the mirror only to see a stranger.

"This isn't my life anymore. What am I thinking?" I mutter to myself.

I walk out of the restroom and the bright color of gold shines into my eyes. The open hallway was bright shining gold and a glass chandelier hung from the middle of it. This is a mansion that my father's friend owns just for parties like this one. I just really hope that no one from the agency comes.... But I know that something will happen. And I know I won't be able to stop it.


Ok, so I'm back. Hopefully. I posted this only to see if I still have readers. If you are reading this then hit that vote button to let me know.

If I see people are still reading this then I will start posting longer and better chapters.

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