Chapter 18

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Roan and I peered up at the cool, pale house. Like every other part of the city, it was made completely of crystal, however Greta Blyme's house was differentiated by the plants sprouting everywhere. Little planters hung from every cranny possible, and brightly coloured flowers and exotic plants spilled out of them. I would have thought it was pretty if it wasn't for the fact that the house belonged to Castrone's ultimate groupie.

"So." I looked at Roan. "Any ideas?"

"Nope." Roan squinted up. His collar ruffled, and then Bono popped up, his little nose twitching as he tested the air. Roan glanced at him. "How about you, little guy?"

Bono squeaked at him before diving back into the safety of Roan's jacket. He sighed and patted the lump on his shoulder absently. "Well, I guess we could look around her place for ideas."

"Alright." I agreed dubiously, and we started forward. The steps leading to the door were clean, and there was no movement in the windows as we walked up.

Roan glanced at me, flapping his hand as he gestured me to stay behind him, and then he leaned his head close to the door. He knocked loudly, on the door using his fist, and I could hear the noise echoing inside the house.

"Hello?" He called out. "We're here to talk to you about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

I gave him a withering look, and he grinned back at me. After a short pause, he knocked again.

"Just kidding, we're here to search your house and probably steal some things. And maybe eat your food. If you're there, you should come to the door." He waited, his golden eyes looking around as he listened. When nothing sounded from inside, he shrugged and looked at me. "You should duck." He told me.

Remembering the incident at Fang's apartment, I listened silently and crouched down.

After making sure I was down, Roan turned and swiftly kicked the door down. It fell in and shattered, filling the air with high pitched tinkling. After a moment and no arrows came flying up, I looked up at Roan questioningly.

He craned his neck through the doorway and looked around. "Huh." He scratched his head. "I was almost completely sure she would have something waiting for us - "

"Roan!" I shouted.

The shadow had melted forward as he spoke, and then it was moving toward Roan like lightning. I caught a glimpse of a pair of cold grey eyes and pale, scarred skin, and then a remarkably large scythe was swinging down towards Roan's surprised face.

"No!" I moved forward before I realized what I was doing; my fist flung out awkwardly and hit the figure in the chest, and to my utter surprise, the figure flew back and hit the wall inside with a loud thud. I blinked; I'd completely forgotten what Eisha had told me - my strength was at its peak right now.

Roan didn't seem concerned with that. "Lilah!" He scolded me, herding me roughly behind him. His golden eyes were stern as he looked back at me. "Stay back, you here?"

Before I could reply, he was leaping lightly over the shattered door into the house. "You're welcome!" I yelled after him, pouting as I stood stranded.

There was a crash from inside the house. I peered in just in time to see Roan grappling with the figure; they tumbled into the next room, and out of my view. On the floor, the figure's scythe lay forgotten. I stared at it in surprise; vague memories of another curved blade flitted through my head, and I shrugged them off quickly. There was no time to be wasting thoughts on King Raea - I picked my way hastily into the house and picked it up; it felt heavy in my grip, and extremely awkward.

Another cacophonous crash sounded from the other room, making me jump. I hurried through the doorway, looking around with wide eyes for Roan.

The room I was in now was clearly the kitchen;  light poured in through the windows and illuminated crystal counters and made the pots hanging on top of the kitchen island glimmer. As I looked around, Roan gave a muffled shout, and the dark figure stood up from behind the island.

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