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As I walked in, I smelled a really nice scent...

It smelled like a mens perfume??

I don't know but just nvm that thought..

"oh and Taehee pls don't mind my friend over in the living room" she said and I smiled with a nod.

"umm... He's my boyfriend actually..."she whispered in my ear.

"umm.. Mina who are you talking to?" A guy shouted from the living room with a deep angelic voice.

"oh my friend Taehee!"Mina shouted back as we entered the living room.

There was a really handsome guy sitting on the couch and he smiled at me, so I smiled back.

"so Taehee, meet my boyfriend Taehyung or Tae"

~❤ ~


Lmao I know your probably like

"oml this mina bitch is takin Tae away from meh!"

Something like that but Mina and Taehee were best friends ever since they were 4yrs old.

But they made a promise when they were 16yrs old cause Mina got a boyfriend and they promised they wouldn't be jealous or anything and steal each others boyfriends.

Idk why but pls deal with it..

Thank you for your great support and,

Pls Vote,Comment,And as alwaayyys..



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