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Dakota's Pov
I am Wolfy on the internet and I play dungeon with my online friend who's name is snowflakeselfies she seems pretty cool but I always beet her on dungeon it seems that her brother or someone she knows always joins our world so we gang up on him and kill him. We have these headphones that connects through to a microphone which means we can talk to each other when we play on it. Sometime we message each other or sometimes we don't."Dakota get down here right now!"Max calls "Shut up Max"I yell back down "hey sorry I have to go bye!"I say to snowflakesselfies "bye"she replies "okay jeez I'm here"I say to max "Come on then to the park"Max walks out the door pulling me with him.


Darlings Pov
Well that's great I'm left alone in the house luckily mum and dad are out and my brother Jacob is at his friends. Okay well I will just head to the park!. I go to the park only to see two people there a girl and a boy playing soccer. "Oh hey babe"I heard a boy behind me say "huh"I turn around looking to see jake there being weird. I walk off over to the people playing soccer. "Hi there sorry to bother you but I heard a voice that I have heard before"I interrupt.
Why do I know that voice Dakota thought in her head. "Hey do you play a game dungeon with a girl named Wolfy"Dakota asks "yes I'm snowflakeselfies"I reply "well guess what I'm wolfy"Dakota yells "WHAT!!"I scream "Omg what Is your name"I ask "it's Dakota what about yours"Dakota answers "I'm darling"I reply

It's school

Okay well I know one thing I'm already late for school why you ask well here
1 I slept in
2 I had to shower
3 I had to make breakfast for me and my brother
4 I had to pack our lunches
5 pack our bags
6 last one we have to walk to school sense his primary is next to my high school
Ugh so annoying I get to school then remember it's a day off then I stomp off back home then start texting Dakota / Wolfy

Ok I end up playing dungeon for 3 hours but she kept beating me each time ugh I really do need to kick her a$$ one day seriously. I get out of my bed and go make some lunch then I watch some Netflix. I put on some anime then the doorbell rings. I answer the door to see Gracie still knocking do she ended up knocking my. "GRACIE!! How do you know my address"I ask "well I was told by hunter"Gracie replied"I also came to tell you I'm going to Hawaii for 3 weeks and I want you to join me" "WHAT ME"I yell "yes now ask your mum"Gracie laughs I text my mum and she replies yes "she said yes but well I need to pack!!"I scream

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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