Heart attack

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It has been a week since the first day of school and I was already off to a bad start. (As if things weren't bad enough at Home but you hid your feelings well) I have red and orange hair that was pulled up in a sharp ponytail and white eyes. I am very skinny so most people take me as weak and anorexic but I'm really not. right now im in home room and everyone's screaming like they have nothing better to do but Im sitting in the back of the classroom looking peacefully out the window while listening to deppresing music.

Suddenly the door opens and in walk the principle and another man. This man... is SO handsome with grey to white, slicked back, balding hair, beautiful pail, almost light grey, blue piercing eyes, and sharply dressed. Then everything went dead silent. I looked in the direction of my teacher wondering why he hasn't said anything to the students and found him on the floor clutching his chest. I turned my music off took out my earbuds and looked at the principle. His face was stark white at seeing the teacher and rowdy kids but his face quickly went from a look of shock to absolute rage.

"What have you kids done?" He whispered. He glared at all of us then pointed to me.

"You! Office! Now! I want you to tell Mr. Telcer here what happened. As for all of you," the principle raised his voice.
"I want all of you IN the pass room! You are all in detention! And maybe even Saturday school! Now go! And somebody call an ambulance!"

Everybody silently went off to the pass room glaring at me as they went by and I went off with Mr. Telcer to the office.
When we got to the office I stopped by the Secretary.

"Hey um Mr. Davis had a heart attack around the middle of class. If you call an ambulance now he MIGHT live" I said putting more imphasis in might. She looked at me with shock before quickly dialing 911 as I walked by to the office.

I sat down and watched Mr. Telcer as he shut the door. I smiled and rested my chin on my hands.

"Your name's not Mr. Telcer is it?" I asked.

Ignoring my question Mr. Telcer said, "how did you know he had a heart attack? What if it was a stroke?"
I sat up and winked.
"Details.... Dr. Lecter. (By this point the principle, unbeknownst to me, walked in behind me.)

"By the way the class was too rowdy and Mr. Davis was trying to get them to stop and they, knowing he was extremely closterphobic, cornered him. Oh and I honestly don't think He's gonna live."
Mr. Telcer was in utter shock so was the principle who I was surprised to see standing behind me when I stood up and turned to leave.

"Anna...." the principle trailed off.

"Does the detention and Saturday school go for me too?"
"No... how-... why didn't you do anything Anna? You could have saved him."
I looked down for a second with guilt flooding my eyes. He was a good teacher and friend.

"Well to be honest I just infured that by looking at him. I wouldn't say if I'm exactly right or not."

Just then the Secretary walked in with news from the men in the ambulance.
"Principle Harks, I'm sorry to say this but... Mr. Davis didn't make it." The Secretary glared at me before quickly leaving and crying.

I looked down again actually frowning. This is why I don't hope for things that much, because my hope is never fulfilled or actually carried out. I knew i shouldnt have given her false hope but her and Mr. Davis were great friends. I awkwardly looked up and nodded to the two men.

"Well I should probably take my leave to.. um.. lunch." I quickly left before I thought too much about Mr. Davis's sudden death and broke down.

They probably think I'm a heartless bitch who's actually gonna eat my lunch after a friend died but the truth is that's what I want them to think. Even though I haven't eaten for a week and have cried every night.

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