Chapter 4

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/Carsons's POV/

"Hey let go of me!"

He had taped my hands that I couldn't get free. I kept trying to. I was rubbing my hands on the door to try and see if that would break the tape so I could strangle this little wolf!

"That's not gonna help you love. Just so we're clear I can hear your thoughts. I'm more powerful than you think. I just want to show you what kind of person your boyfriend really is. I mean no harm."

"Then why'd you tie me up."

"I didn't want you to run. Partly just for fun."

Okay so this guy was pretty attractive. Hearing him talk made me want to die a little inside. In a good way though. His accent was so beautiful.

"Oh I see you just tie everyone up because you want to!"

"On the contrary love." 

He replied. I know I have a boyfriend but how he calls me love is amazing. Oh my god! What am I talking about! This guy just kidnapped me!

"You see the compulsion I put on you the night we first met wore off some how. So the only thing you remember is me."

"Okay so instead of just kidnapping me why didn't you just tell me what I was supposed to remember."

"So for you to remember what you once knew you have to go back to the place and-"

He stuttered.

"I know you don't want to love, but you're gonna have to hold my hands."

He was sweet I could tell. But maybe he would've made a better first impression if he would've told me why he was gonna take me to some place. I'm not gonna lie some little part of me wanted to hold his hand. But the other humongous part of me didn't really like him.

We pulled into a random place filled with trees miles and miles of trees.

"Ready love?"

/Alex's POV/  

"Why would he take her?"

Asked Jason.

"That bastard could've taken her for any reason."

"Oh. What if he bones her before you get to?"

Jason said making me worry about her more.

"Not funny ass-wipe."

I don't know why someone would take her. I don't remember Damon from anywhere other than school. What would he want with her?

"Alright man look. She'll be back. But we need to get to class." 

I didn't want to go to class! I didn't know what he was going to do to her but I had a bad feeling about him and I didn't like it.

"Okay I guess."

/Carson's POV/

"I guess."

I replied softly. Whatever I was 'ready' for I was scared and I hope he didn't know. 

"No need to be scared love. You'll remember everything I am, what you are, and what I did to protect you. I'm really not a bad guy."

"Let's give it a go then."

I held onto his hands and I took a really deep breath. I saw Alex kissing me, my seat falling back, me running Alex getting on top of me, and hitting me. Then I see something big and furry attacking Alex so I could get away. Suddenly I remembered what I was to Damon. He saved me. I remembered what he was and I wasn't scared of him.

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