Chapter Five: Take A Hand

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Nolan didn't dream. He didn't wince. He had endured it all as if it was a dream. But it wasn't. He knew it wasn't.

Nolan opened his eyes. He was asleep yet he didn't dream. His body was covered in a few straps that only be described as his body being treated as best as whoever could do it. Blood stained the white cloth as it wrapped around his chest and shoulder. More cloth was wrapped around his limbs. His stomach was completely covered.

He had no shirt on, and saggy pants. He had a wet, dirty clothes on his forehead. It was cold. He was freezing. That's when he finally realized where he was.

Nolan was laying on a bamboo bed, inside a old, torn down, room. It was like a Chinese room, those rooms for homeless people, or close to homeless.

The walls was animal skin and tools hanging all around it with one window, horribly carved above Nolans bed. Fabric dangled from the doorway directly across from where he was laying.

Nolan tried to get up, but as soon as he moved, his stomach made a loud thump and his back a loud crack. He groaned in pain. He couldn't even grab his belly because he was too weak.

Just as he let out the groan, Nolan could hear a basket being dropped and someone running to him. It took a second, but finally someone walked in.

It was an semi old man. His face was sharp. His chin and nose was pointy and his hair was ragged. His skin was wrinkled and old with age.  He looked Japanese. Or was it Chinese? Nolan couldn't tell. The old man had black eyes.

The old man spoke in a healthy voice, “I thought you being a highly skilled soldier, you would know not to move when you're injured and don't have to move. Oh well. Sit still.”

Nolan, being confused, asked “Who are you? How'd you find me? What's wrong with me?”

He didn't ask what happened to himself because he already knew. A soldier never forgets. Never.

The man said, “Who I am is of no importance. What you should be asking is where you are. And you aren't anywhere safe. You're still in your mission location. I heard the gunfire a few miles from where I found you. I swear, you guys came a month early. Your lucky I got to you before Metro. You would have been in deep shit then.

“When I found you, I barely saw a finger stick out from the rumble. You had several rocks dig their way into you skin, breaking a few bones in your back, but most of the damage went into your splines, kidneys, and stomach. I'm no doctor, but I could definitely tell things weren't supposed to be there. Now, sit down. You need to rest.”

“But wait! I have more questions.” Nolan called out.

The old man sighed. Something troubled his mind. But he turned around. He had a cup of tea in his hands that Nolan was dumbstruck of where he got it from. “Fine. But only three questions. You have to drink this as well.”

He put the stone cup, barely larger than his thumb, to Nolan’s mouth and helped him drink. After it was empty, Nolan jumped straight for questioning.

“Why did you save me?”

The old man sighed again. “Things start to get lonely after living here for 30 years. Always trying to stay hidden while feeding yourself.” He looked down in depression.

“How do you know Metro? That's supposed to be a secret organization only very few people know.”

The old man shook his head. “That's a no go. I can't tell you that. Sorry.” Nolan could definitely tell from that moment that he was hiding something big.

“Okay…” Nolan yawned. “How long have I been out?”

The old man chuckled at this. “You've been out for a month!” It was at this Nolan was shocked. But something took over him. He couldn't keep his eyes open. He started to drift back to sleep and eventually passed out.

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