Episode 1: Pilot.

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"People don't understand.. how others feel.. what others have been through, what they've been told, what they know... they don't stop and think.. if their words and actions effect others... they just.. do.. and I have experienced many things on that subject.. but I could not sit down and talk with someone about it, cause they wont know how it feels.." I said looking down at my feet, I slowly looked up at audience that was right in front of me. "I will try my best to help everyo-"

"Shut up!" someone yelled in the audience throwing a paper ball at me. "you're boring! next!" They laughed.

Others in the audience laughed along, I tried to hold back tears.

"B-but.. what I ha-" I stuttered.

"No one cares!" another yelled laughing.

I ran off stage, I kept running until I found myself in the dark parking-lot. "People don't get it.." I whispered to myself. I walked to my house holding onto my arms, staring at nothing but my feet. I got home and tried opening the door, but it was locked, I searched my pockets and underneath my welcome-mat, but found nothing. I screamed under my breath and slid my back down the door.

"Poor thing!" A voice called out from across the street, I looked up to see three men walking towards me. "Need help missy?" they all smirked.

"N-no.." I whispered shaking my head slowly. "i-i'm okay, i-i'll just wait for my girl.." I stopped suddenly, wasn't able to speak. I felt a hand run up my right arm and inner thigh.

"Hey now, we wont hurt such a beautiful.. vulnerable.. weak young lady" One whispered in my ear.

I felt all six hands feeling me, I sat there, not knowing what to do. suddenly the hands were gone two by two. I looked up to see all three knocked out on the ground, and a woman standing right over the bodies.

"Its not nice to touch a woman without consent assholes!" She stated in a stern violent voice. She turned to look at me, and a car passing by shinned their lights on us. she was a tall woman, had caramel brown skin, light blue eyes that gave you a vibe that if you crossed her, she'd kill you, and long wavy burgundy hair. "Don't you just hate assholes like that? I sure do!" She giggled.

"I-I don't have money.. or anything.. please.." I whispered shocked and scared.

"Sweet heart, I don't want anything, yet, i'm just a nice person" She smirked an evil smirk that sent chills down my spine.

I looked at her, she had a weird machines that covered her entire two forearms, it was pure black with lines that shot up and disappeared like they were vains.

"Whats that?.." I asked afraid of the answer I could receive.

She looked at her arms and giggled a deep creepy giggle. "Its something you'll need very soon.." She walked away giggling that creepy giggle.

I stood up slowly and shivered, I looked down and noticed my key was in on my sock, I sighed and shook my head. I grabbed it and unlocked my door, ran inside and locked it again, I walked slowly upstairs thinking of those killer blue eyes. Never would have thought such a beautiful color could look so scary. I laid down and slowly dozed off. I woke up to screams and loud explosions, I slowly got up and walked to my window. I saw six groups of officers, with about 17 in each, all where scared and shaking, staring straight at something not blinking. I looked at what they were staring at, and saw a creature it was nothing but bone. It's skin looked like wet clothes on the body, sucked into every crease, it was a pale white, it slouched as it was flying like it was dead, it had butterfly wings that were transparent. It had no eyes, no hair, just skin.

"What.. the.." I whispered frozen not knowing what to do.

"Do you think! For A SECOND, that YOU, could beat ME?! I?! Shi Akuma?!" Someone yelled and the officers screamed, it came from right behind that disgusting creature.

Shi Akuma..?! How could it be?!

I looked and saw a man, tall skinny, no hair, eyes looked like he never slept, he had those weird forearm machines too, but they lit up brighter than the woman's, and were yellow with green vain like lines. He's eyes darted towards me, and a smiled melted on his face, from ear to ear. He pointed to the creature, I looked and it jumped with life, and smiled an evil smile. The man closed his fist and the creature flew higher, it's wings opened wide, and started to melt off goo, the goo than turned into men, the creature screeched and the men bolted to the soldiers, the soldiers starting shooting, but it didn't even make a scratch on them, the goo men began to rip the soldiers apart, limb by limb, crushing every bone, turning it into dust, blood flying everywhere, guys being slowly ripped out, screams of pain was all I heard. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't, I wanted to run, but I couldn't, I was hopeless. The man laughed a psychotic laugh, he then pointed to me.

"You should've just stayed hiden there missy" he yelled to me. He than began close his fist, and the creature slowly turned to me. I hid my face and cried. "Goodbye missy!! Sa-" it got silent.

I looked up and saw a woman beating his head in with a bat, and not stopping. I screamed and fell to the ground.

"Brutal right?" Someone said, it sounded familiar.

I looked up slowly, scared to see who it was. It was the woman who helped me.

"I told her take if easy and that happens, tsk tsk" she laughed staring straight out the window. "I guess that's what you get for impersonating me" an evil smile painted onto her face.

"Y- your.. Shi Akuma?!" I screamed.

She covered my mouth. "Are you trying to get more people to come?" She asked, she snapped her fingers and something flew through the window.

Sh-shes going to kill me!.. Shi Akuma, the brutal murder, never lost a fight, killed for the hell of it.. said to be so strong that a look from her.. could kill you..

I looked and saw the woman that was beating the man.

"Roiyaru." Shi whispered. The woman stood straight and looked at her. Shi smiled at me. "We must protect this one, I have a feeling she could be the one". Shi stood up and laughed softly, and looked at the lady. "You have a piece of his brain on your cheek nasty... any ways!" She looked at me and handed me her hand. "Com'on we need to get you a kikai"

"A-a kikai?" I whispered.

She pointed to her forearm and smirked. "You'll need it if you want to survive".

I sat there frozen not knowing what to do, her face went emotionless. The life in her eyes, just disappeared.

"Then die" she told me turning around.

"N- no!.." I shouted.

She turned around and smiled, she grabbed my arm and picked me up.

What did I get myself into...?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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