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Chapter 2 ~ Him


His dark green eyes are like sparkling diamonds . His Burnett hair is just beautiful . And his body features are just amazing . He is every girls dream boyfriend . This perfect guy is Haden . Haden . Even his name is perfect already .

We held hands and walked into the endless meadow . Filled with beautiful blooming flowers and trees that are blowing at our direction . Birds that are chirping at us . It is just a perfect moment . We lay on the grass . Starring at the sky that is the endless blue . The wind blowing softly at us .

We lay there . Chatting like always . I just wanted to stay there forever and never leave .

But suddenly , a storm came . Lightning bursting out if the sky . The clouds taken over by the darkness of the clouds . The tress are swimming violently . Flowers damaged and ones beautiful meadow soon turn into a battle fiend .

Then , out of a sudden , Haden turn'e to me and his eye ball is totally white . I stared at his in fear and he spoke .

"Hanna , be warned . The time for battle will soon come . You will carry that burden to defend your kingdom . "

Then , he just vanished into the air and so did all the surrounding . The surrounding now is totally white . Nothing is around me . The word "Be warned " just keep echoing . Something tells me this is the beginning of something . But the question is what ?

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