The beginning

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-Ethans POV-
The day is finally here , the day that can ultimately change my life. Acting was always something I've wanted to do since forever, and when I finally saw that there was auditions being held for a movie , in the studio next door , I decided to go for it. My brother Grayson and I are known for our social media popularity on YouTube , which all started on Vine. We're known for basically just being funny goofs , and having the opportunity to make our fans smile or atleast we try are hardest to. Our biggest goal is acting and hopefully being in a movie one day , and that's why I'm so anxious.
" I'm freaking auditioning for a movie Grayson , I'm so nervous you don't understand " .
I say as I start heading my way downstairs, ready to go. Grayson wasn't really interested in the roles in this movie , because it's too "emo " for him , I don't really know what he means by that but I'm still giving it a shot. "Don't worry E , you'll do just fine".  That's one good thing about Grayson , I know he will always be there for me through everything , the fact that's he's even coming with me today knowing that takes literally the whole day , while he can be doing something else is pretty dope.
" Alright man , lets go goofus " , said Grayson as he leaves our apartment . I start heading my way out the door and the nerves are slowly kicking in more. We walk in the studio next door and there's so many boys around me, auditioning for the part I'm auditioning for. At this point all my hopes of even getting the part went completely down the drain, these boys actually have experience in acting and I have never even been in a movie before. I look at gray , and gray gives me a face of reassurance as he goes and sits in the corner. I walk up to the table where you check in.
" Ethan Dolan " I say at the lady working up front .
" Oh Mr.Dolan , we called you a while ago , we are ready for you , are you ready ? " she stated with excitement. I look at Grayson and Grayson comes up to me .
" He's more than ready " he says with a smile as he places his hand on my shoulder.
"You got this bro " , he shakes my shoulders, and walks back to his seat in the corner . The lady looks back at me , " I guess we're ready" she says as she stands up to take me into the room.
" Yeah uh- definitely " I smile faintly, as I follow her in. I slowly start rolling up my script paper in nervousness as I walk looking down .
" It's okay Ethan , you practiced for so long  , you're gonna do fine " I say a couple times in my head. The lady opens the door , I walk in. There's a lady sitting in a desk , I'm assuming she's the person who judges how I act.
" Hello " I say as I walk in.
" Hello , you areee " she looks at the paper " Ethan Dolan ". She says slowly as she looks up at me.
" Yes , that's me " I make a little chuckle.
" Well no worries Ethan , Im director Alison , we're currently waiting for your partner to come in and play the part with you for your audition ". A partner? I didn't know we had to act with someone , someone I don't know , my worries slowly came back up again , but I try to play it cool.
" Oh yeah , it's fine ".
" So who exactly am I acting with ". I question as I sit down in the seat in front of her .
" Well you don't have to worry about that , her names Madison she's a very pretty girl and don't worry she's done this like 100 times today , she just went out to take a short break . " She stated as she starts writing a couple things on a paper. I nod my head a couple times looking down at my script. The door opens.
" Okay sorry for taking so long , I'm he- " she sees me. " Oh hi , I'm Madison ", she says to me with a wide smile , handing out her hand. I look at her , all I can think about was how beautiful she was. " Ethan " I say with a slight smile, as I stand up to shake her hand. Is this the girl I'm acting with ? Is she the one that we were waiting for ? All these questions come into mind, I suddenly start getting a little nervous. She's had experience in acting before and I'm over here like a little newbie in acting. I make a small grin while we're shaking hands.
" I've seen you on social media before , aren't you a twin? " she states. I do a small giggle
" Haha , yeah that's me ".
- Madison's POV -
Wow, he is probably one of the best good looking guys I've seen all day. I didn't know he was into acting though , I mean I've seen him here and there on social media , and it's pretty cool seeing him here now , I'm actually pretty excited for this.
So are you ready ? " I say as I open my water bottle.
" I guess I am " . Ethan makes a small chuckle , as he walk into position.
" Okay , Ethan.... " Director Ali looks back down at paper "Dolan , don't worry it's okay just be yourself " I drank my water and look at him, I can tell he's nervous , he doesn't have to be. I put my water down on the table and walk into position as well.
" Ethan " I make a little chuckle " Don't be nervous , you've been practicing im sure you'll do fine ". I say with confidence to make his nerves go away or atleast try to as I walk his way.
- Ethans POV -
Hearing Madison say that , did make my nerves kind of go away , I think she can tell I was a little nervous.
" Which scene are we doing , there's like 4" ? I say , looking at Ali.
" Oh yeah , which scene ? " Madison says after me , as we are both looking at Director Ali.
" Uhm , lets do the argument scene " she states looking at us with her palm in her chin . The argument scene , oh my god , this is the scene with the kiss isn't it - I look down at the script really quickly to make sure. Yes it is , the kissing scene.
-Madisons POV-
Oh great , it's the kissing scene. Not that I mind but I know Ali is just doing this to bother us , but whatever it's acting anyways.
" Ok, whenever your ready Ethan " I say as I fix my feet in position . I wonder how Ethan feels about doing this scene , he was already nervous enough and now he has to kiss me.
" Yeah yeah I'm ready " He says as he puts his paper down and runs his hand through his hair. He's got a jawline , that's for sure. He stands in front , looking straight at me , id be lying if I said I wasn't a little intimidated , his stare was something different.
-Ethans POV-
I put a straight face on , ready to start acting. I didn't want to show my state of nervousness , even though I was super nervous on the inside. I look straight at Madison , from where I'm standing which is right in front of her. I examine all her features. She has very good features , beautiful eyes , lips , and eyebrows. I get lost in her eyes , and even forget what we're doing .
" Ethan , are you ready? " Director Ali says but I don't even notice.
" Ethan " says Madison . I shake my head a little.
" Oh uh yeah yeah I'm ready " I say running my hand through my hair again , looking up at Madison .
" Okay , just get closer to Madison and put your hands on her hips remember it's the argument scene". Director Ali says while putting her glasses a little down to see . I walk closer to Madison and put my hands on her hips gently. I start getting a little nervous , It's just acting Ethan , calm down. I say over and over again in my head. Madison seems calm , you can be calm too.
" Okay , whenever your ready " Director Ali says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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