💕 Chapter 1: Mr. Binebag

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Type: Fluff
Swearing included

"I have to tell you something." I say, softly looking into her crimson brown eyes as they grow worrisome. With a quick giggle I stamper "I think you're going to like it"

Her eyes light up in a way that makes my heart pound. Dramatically flipping her flouncy, curly, ombré hair to the side and leaning on one leg in faked sass. "What am I going to like?" Sarah asks me in a nosy voice. I laugh.

With that, the bell rings, a long, blasting ring and I bolt down the corridor, my scarlet locks floating behind me. I slam into a chubby seventh grade boy on my way around the right corner. I've never been late to class before and I won't start now.

Huffing and puffing I sit in the front row of the class. The room is pretty standard with the door at the back and five by four rows of desks facing a double white board with the teacher's wooden, paper covered desk in the corner. I am placed beside the left window so I don't have to listen to the teacher drawl on and on. Instead I just watch out onto the field, there's usually some type of practice going on. Today it's the cheerleading squad.

Don't tell my girlfriend but Mhmmm. How can you not love watching those short skirts and flying hair and juicy twirls and bouncy boo...


"Stop doing that!" My thoughts are interrupted by my half mad, half giggly girlfriend aggressively striking down her overstuffed binder.

"Doing what?" I ask her. God she's beautiful. Her hair falls like silk to her back and her short sleeve white crop-top clings to every curve. She wears a caramel knee-length pleated skirt and knee high white socks with red converse shoes. All the light shades really brings out her dark skin. Not dark as in the night sky but dark as in chocolate, smooth, rich chocolate.

I have fair skin and long, wavy, scarlet hair. I wear ripped jeans, a grey beanie, and a low cut, orange tank top with tall boots. My freckles cover most of my skin and I'm constantly reminded of how cute they are.

"Running away from me when I'm trying to be cute" Sarah wraps her arms over my shoulders her touch gentle but tightens around my neck in a pretend strangle. "Tell me!" She insists "or I swear I will take your beanie"

"No! Not my beanie. It's a stereotype piece" I plea, a snicker escaping my throat. Sigh "Besides, you know I can never be late to class, babe."

"Silly girl, that was the warning bell, and people know you're gay because you're constantly kissing me" She laughs plunking herself in the desk beside me. "So..." She leans over, placing her elbows on the table and hands under her chin. "... you going to tell what I'm going to like."

"Never." I tease, leaning my head closer to brush my nose on hers. My snout tingles like lightning bolts are flowing through it. Don't kiss her you're in class. Don't kiss her you're in class. Don't kiss her you're in class. I pull away.





"Hint me??"

"You're going to like it"

"Ugh, I give up!" She dramatically cranks her head forward and turns her nose up.

"You're so cute." I state sweetly turning my eyes away from her cute, larger-than-average ears pierced with diamonds. I face the front reading the blue writing covering the left whiteboard.

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