The Girl who Cried Wolf

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It was gliding, almost dancing, its wings spread wide with golden feathers of an angel, sashaying through the wind with precision and grace. It twirled through the air, each movement like a little piece of perfection. The graceful dance turned into a frolic, its wings beating happily. Finally, it came to rest on the ground. It wasn't a bird. It was a girl.

The girl was young, and looked around thirteen. She had gorgeous, long, curly hair, the colour of sunset, and her face was freckled and tanned. She evidently spent a lot of time outside. She was tall and skinny, and her long legs looked fairly athletic. But there was one odd thing about her. She had wings.

She curled her golden wings around her, and a bright light shone from underneath the feathers, as she transform into a regular girl.

Ava Emery lived an almost normal life. She went to school, participated in sport, read books, played games, and pretty much did what most thirteen year old girls do. But she wasn't a normal girl. Every time she experienced strong emotion, whether it be anger, excitement, or even weariness, she morphed into an animal. This problem hadn't affected her life too much so far, but controlling it was beginning to prove difficult.

"Did you hear that we are going on an excursion this term?" Josepha Rainbird swung her backpack onto the bench, and turned to Ava. She was very beautiful. Her eyes were soft and hazel, and her straight brown hair glistened in the morning sun

"To where?" Ava looked at her friend curiously. She had been waiting for an excursion for half a year.

"None of us know. We find out today," Lucy Campbell joined the conversation. She wasn't as beautiful as Josepha, but still stunningly cute, with her dimples and light brown hair.

The bell rang, and the girls gathered their things, and went to class.

Miss Rowling was standing at the front, her lips thin, and her hair pulled into a tight bun. "Attention please!" Her voice was hardly audible over the chatter of students. "Attention children!" Nobody listened. She cleared her throat. "ATTENTION PLEASE!" She snapped. Everybody looked at her, and there was silence. "Thank you. Sometimes I wonder why I even became a teacher."

"Sometimes I wonder how she became a teacher," Josepha whispered. The girls giggled.

"Would you like to share your joke with the class?" Miss Rowling's eyes narrowed.

The girls stopped giggling.

"Now, you have probably all been waiting for me to tell you about our excursion."

There was mumbling around the classroom.

"We'll be going to Melbourne."

Ava tried not to get too excited, but she couldn't help it. She had been longing to go to Melbourne ever since year 3, but her foster parents had never allowed her. Her hands began to tingle, and she felt her fingers shrink. She dashed out of the room, and sprinted towards to toilets. There, she flung herself into a cubicle, and looked down at her hands. They were paws. She opened the door, and looked in the mirror. Sitting on top of her head was a pair of dog's ears. A little brown tail was wagging behind her. Her teeth were sharp and yellow. She was a dog.

Moments later, she heard footsteps echoing around the corner, and Lucy walked in. "Are you al... Oh my gosh, you're a dog. You're actually a dog." Her mouth dropped open, as she stared at her friend.

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