- Prologue -

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- A Grim Meeting -

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- A Grim Meeting -

  A navy blue alicorn soared through the battle-filled halls of an ivory and marble stone palace.

She flew over all of the fighting ponies beneath her, dodging magical shots aimed at her.

Please still be alive.

She burst open the throne room doors and fell to a fault upon seeing the display.

A snow white alicorn laid on the ground, blood pouring from her neck.


She was dead.

  "Hello, beautiful."

  The shocked dark navy alicorn shivered upon feeling a breath upon her neck. She whipped around to see a dark grey bat-pony with silver plated armor on.

  "It's a shame we had to meet like this," He said in a deep voice with a gleeful tone, "Not exactly my ideal idea for a first date."

  The navy alicorn stepped back out of the fear-inducing aura that the male bat-pony radiated.

  "My heir was right about you, your as beautiful as the silent ocean at nighttime."

  The alicorn drew in a long shaky breath, "What do you want Sombra?"

"Several things. I want you to surrender your kingdom to the Chiro Empire, and for your hoof in marriage."

"You'll get neither."

"And you are so sure? Can you fend for a kingdom on your own, or are you as much as a pacifist as your bleeding out sister is?"

Luna glanced back at the body, "I am no pacifist. I will take your bats as prisoners of war."

"Ha. If your incompetent military can capture them. I dare you, Luna, to try to keep this crumbling kingdom afloat. I am going to conquer this land either way, and you and your land will be mine."

Luna straightened up, growling, "I take up that challenge, and I will never leave my kingdom for you to control."

Sombra laughed, "Oh, you have always been so feisty Luna. Fine. Let us see if you can keep your domain from my clutches."

Sombra let out a toothy grin before letting out one big screech making the stain-glass windows that detail the Kingdoms accomplishments to shatter into a million shards.

  "I assure you, you won't last long," Sombra laughed as he flew out in a flurry of shadow.

  The alicorn growled as she shot a dark blue beam at him, only for him to dodge the blast.

As he and his army of bat ponies flew off into the nightsky, Luna walked onto the balcony.

"Your majesty?"

"Get a funeral director here, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash better get here under two minutes I will personally get them," Luna demanded.

"Yes princess."

"And no more of that princess crap," Luna spat as she made a familiar helmet appeared.

She put it on with her magic, "It is Queen now."

When the servent ran off to fulfill her demands, Luna walked to the throne and blasted the smaller throne that Celestia had always put her on.

Luna peered down at her dead sister, tears escaping her but she refused to sob.

"The only ruler who will fall is you Sombra," Luna snarled as she flew onto the throne.

"Equestria has a new ruler now, and she refuses to ignored anymore in favor of her delicate sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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