{Justin pov}
When I arrive at my friends' house with Megan on my back, My friend opends the door.
He says
'Hey Sam!'
I answer.
'Hey sam!' I heat from above me.
Its Megan.
'Hey megan!' sam answers
Megan is a girl that I alreaddy always had a crush on.
she is a beautiful girl with long brown hair and shiny green eyes.
she is like the cutest girl that I know, but I dont feel like she loves me.
'hey guys, lets go to the city. Deff and francis are waiting there!'
sam says.
'okay lets go then. Megan please walk yourself this is getting heavy for me!'
I joke
Megan laughs and then slides off my back
'Who is the first at the city!' she says
and then she starts running
I start running behind her, and i know that Im faster. once I run next to her I decide to surprise her. I run behind her and then I carry her on my sholders
She yells
we both laugh.
I start running a bit slower because Sam is still somewhere behind me.
'wait a sec Megan, second is still somewhere behind us'
I say
'Well I dont really have a choice, If I wanna continue walking I cant anyways because Im on your sholders'
she answers
I laugh. She is right.
a view minutes later we arrive in the city and there I see deff and francis doing a warming-up.
I take Megan off my sholders and we walk together to deff and francis.
there we start doing our warming-up
I will only post the next part at 50 reads :) enjoy!