Madison x Reader- Told you so.

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"James stop it! Go home- James! I told you strep throat is super contagious!! I don't want you-! Ugh!" You kept moving away from him when he tried to give you your medicine. "I know! This'll help you get better soon so you don't get me sick!" He said, irritated with your childish behavior. "James I can do it myself. I'm not a kid anymore I don't need you to-" He shoved the spoon in your mouth. You glared at him and grabbed the spoon, drinking the orange liquid in the spoon. You grabbed your water bottle and drank some of it to wash out the horrid taste. "There, that wasn't so hard." He said, smiling triumphantly and closing the bottle, then leaving it on your night stand. "Don't treat me like a child." You said, crossing your arms and looking away. "I'll treat you how you act." He said, ruffling your hair. You slapped his hand away and pouted, clawing at your now messed up and ruffled hair. He huffed yet smiled at you, watching you do so, he though you were so adorable. The way you always defended your case about not acting like a child whilst acting like a child. He was utterly in love with you and you felt the same way about him, he was the sweet, soft spoken guy of the Thomas Jefferson/James Madison duo. They were the SGA President and Vice President (Student Government Association) running against Hamilton and Laurens, beating them 2 years in a row. However this year would pose a challenge for them to win with Hamilton gaining a lot of unusual popularity. You fixed your hair and pursed your lips at him, "Thanks for that." You huffed. "No problem." He said, smiling and leaving to your kitchen. You let out a sigh when he left, smiling. Both of you were very shy about your feelings towards each other, with the occasional joking "I love you." Or hugs you two often shared, you two were very affectionate friends and people often though you were dating but in a flustered mess the two of you would declare you were just friends. He tried to hug you today but you refused to let him because you didn't want to get him sick. He wasn't very happy about it and figured it was just a hug and not like he was trying to make out with you or anything. He came back in with your favorite kind of tea(if you don't like tea just your favorite hot beverage). You gave him a smile and sipped it, letting its warmth soothe your irritated throat. "Thanks, love you man." He smiled and sat back down next to your bed. You scooted over and patted the spot next to you. He flushed, looking at you questioningly. "Since you refuse to leave come cuddle." You said, waiting. He seemed hesitant but slipped into the bed next to you, you took another sip of your drink, sighing and leaning your head on his shoulder. He tensed up, his blush intensifying. You laughed and hummed, letting your head rest in the crook of his neck. He calmed down and leaned his head on yours as well. You scooted close to him, hip to hip and continued to him gently. If anyone had walked in at the moment they would assume you two were just a couple spending a sick day together. They would be wrong, but how the two of you wished it was that way. James didn't want to make you uncomfortable and ruin the friendship you had going and you were the kind of girl to wait for it, if he had the confidence to go up to you and ask you out would be a huge turn on. You took another sip of your drink and placed it on the nightstand next to you. James was slowly being lulled to sleep, and in his tired daze he started talking. "You know (Y/n) I love you..." He sputtered out, letting out a chuckle. "I know man." You said back, continuing to hum, you were just enjoying this cute moment knowing that when he woke up everything would go back to the way it was before. "Nnnno noooo I mean I love you love you." He turned his head and pecked the top of your head. You flushed, "He's just tired." You muttered under your breath, however you could help but enjoy this moment so much. He pecked the top of your head again, this time closer to your forehead, you just let him do his thing. He pecked your forehead, now you started to get nervous. "James..." You said, shaking him slightly to kind of wake him up. He pecked your nose. "James...!" You were burning hot. "James! I-" You had shook every him violently but it was too late, in his tired almost drunken like state he planted his lips on yours. You wished you would've pulled away from him and woken him up, hoping he wouldn't get sick but you lavished in the moment, and in the heat of the moment he finally became aware of what he was doing. His eyes shot open and he pulled back, his face was red as he recalled what he just did. "Oh my god... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that oh my god..." He put his hands on his head as he looked away. "Hey, under any other circumstance I would totally kiss you again but I'm kinda sick right now and I really don't want you to get sick." You wrapped your arms around his torso and nuzzled your face into his chest. He sat there for a moment, and after you pulled away from him he connected your lips once again. You were taken aback once again but kissed him back anyways. You placed on hand on his cheek, as he grabbed your legs and pulled you into his lap. Needless to say you slept well that night ;). However when you woke up James now was also burning hot and coughing up a storm. "I told you you were gonna get sick." You said, sliding back on your underwear and pulling on your t shirt. He groaned and you picked up his boxers, tossing them over to him. "I'll make you some tea baby."

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