Chapter 7

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Meera stood near window in her room looking out at the dark sky outside. There was a silence haunting that place and so many memories floating around. She recalled one such moment  with sameer at that very place...

" know what...i have been thinking for long about something..." Sameer held Meera lovingly in his arms as they stood leaning onto the window having a moment ...

"What.." Meera said slowly caressing his hair gently..

"About shekhar..." Sameer's voice became serious and Meera noticed  unusual in those eyes...

"What about him..." She looked up trying to figure what is going on in his mind...

"I think he loves you..." Sameer said looking carefully at her reaction...He had seen shekhar's love for meera in all those things he had done for her..and even for them.. this doubt had been haunting him for long..He had to let it out..

Meera was shocked ..She moved away..looking at him.. with disbelief ..

"What... What do you mean...I mean.. How could you even think..." Meera said it in shock..

"Whole world can see it ...haven't you.."  He continued..

Meera was hurt and Sameer could sense it..He came near her..and took her into his arms...

"I am so sorry dear...I didnt mean to.. " He took her into his world of love as she closed her eyes and followed... He never mentioned it again...but meera could never forget ...

She came back to present ...His words...Whole world can see it... Haven't you echoed in her mind.. Shekhar was always there whenever she looked back...whenever she called and even when she didnt... She knew he cared too much...She knew may be he loved her too ... and thus when he actually confessed...she believed in every word ..she knew it was not sympathy as she had said it...she knew it that he confessed only because of her...Her loss was too big for him..As always he had put her first even before himself...Meera was lucky as she had 2 men in her life who loved her like anything even more than their lives but how unlucky she was for them...She cursed herself for coming in their lives..She knew they deserved better..Shekhar deserved better...

"Why couldn't I say no to you shekhar..." Meera thought ..may be she could never say no to him for anything... He was always special for her..First person she will look whenever she was happy and even when she was sad.. What relation they shared...she didnt know...but this unnamed relation held much importance in her life...

At that very moment , there was a knock on her door...

Gayatri came in as meera composed herself ..

"Its too late and you are still awake..." Gayatri asked..

"Just trying to sleep maa... what are you doing so late.."

"Just thought that maybe my daughter needs me..." She came near her...and placed a hand on her shoulder...

"Thinking about shekhar..."Meera looked in shock as Gayatri said ...

"How you .."

"I heard what you said to him outside dear..."Gayatri answered ...

"He wanted me to..."

"He asked you to marry him... " Gayatri completed her sentence...Meera looked at her..with tears almost brimming up...Gayatri sensed her confusion...her inner turmoil...She made her sit on bed...and sat beside..

"What you want meera...Do you.."

"I dont know ..I cant even think about loving someone else.."

"But Sameer is gone meera...and yes he is not going to come back.." Gayatri said it with her voice choked...

"Meera ..whats wrong in moving on ..and atleast trying for new start and that too with a person like shekhar..who really cares..." She said it calmly..trying to make meera see through things...

"Maa... what are you saying.. How can I just forget sameer and bring shekhar in that place..." Meera said it surprised to hear her maa 's words

"Shekhar can never take sameer place...but you can give shekhar his due place..."

"I know you need time...then just ask him for time...but dont let him go meera..."

"Maa.. I cant ...He deserves better ..." She sighed..

"And you...You certainly dont deserve going through this pain meera... I know you might think you are capable of spending whole life like this...but there will be a time when you will need someone to fill this complete your life... to be there forever..."

"I dont need anyone...I have you ..I have my family...and I have my sameer's memories..I dont need anything else..."

"Memories dont take life forward meera...they pull you only backwards..." Gayatri said it firmly..

"There is someone today who is ready to bring all that back in your life what you have lost...Just think about it...I really dont want you to regret your decision later in life..."

She put her hand on Meera's head ..

"I just want my daughter to be happy...I lost my son..but I dont want to loose you.." Gayatri hugged her child...

Next Morning...

Meera got up early or perhaps she could not sleep whole night...It was raining heavily outside.. She could hear loud noise of rain drops..She got dressed for the day not sure what decision awaits her... She had thought about lot of things.. Gayatri words...shekhar's proposal...and her sameer.. but admist all this...what were her feelings ..she could not comprehend... When meera was lost in her thoughts...there was a knock ..and to her disbelief...He was there...

"Meera .. how are you doing...I was came early...I know we still have time for doctor 's appointment today.. but just thought that..."

Shekhar was standing in front of him...His eyes showed he didnt sleep whole night..

"Why are you doing this to me..." Meera was shocked seeing him back...and then surprised at herself for ever believing that she lost his friendship...

"What..."Shekhar asked..

"I insulted our friendship ...I dont deserve your love and even your friendship...then why..." Meera said looking at him ..

"You deserve much more..." He came close ...and she hugged him and closed her eyes...

"I am so sorry shekhar..." her voice choked..

"Ssshhh... its okay.. "he caressed her hair..and consoled..

"You know I didnt mean those words..."She said breaking down...

"I know... Just forget all those things... If you dont want.. I will never ever say it again...Just dont hurt yourself .." He could not take those sobs...

After few minutes of silence...she gathered herself and looked at his can anyone love someone so much..His eyes were ocean of his love for her..Only she wished...she could..

"Shekhar... " She said in low voice...

"What..." he asked...

"Will you give me some time..." She said it looking into those eyes... She wanted to think about it.. She wanted to give another chance to her his life...for her sake...for his sake... Shekhar looked at her ..emotions going strong in those eyes..and said...

"I dont mind waiting for you Meera..."

They looked out of the window...rain had stopped...Clouds were going away..for new sunshine...There was a rainbow in the sky... As they looked at it...she held on to his arms...leaning on his shoulder...

Yes it was a new beginning...!

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