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kabir!!!!!!!....kabir!!!!!......u duffer....where are u?...u better come out this moment or....or ill break ur bones.........urrrrrgh......kabir!!!......."awww...look who we have here"....suddenly my voice died in my mouth...my throat dry.....my body started trembling the moment i heard him....j...jai....n...no...this can't be.....h..he is dead....yes....he is dead....breathe...Radhika....breathe..."baby....didnt i tell u....u can't run away from me...."...my breath hitched when i felt him breathing on my neck......a shudder ran through my body .... & a lone tear fell from my eyes .....it was him....jai....he was here.....i froze d moment realisation struck me....he wouldn't let me live....he would kill me....or even worse.....i would never be able to run away from him.....a sob escaped my lips when he slipped his finger along my hand....as if coming to my senses i pushed him away all crying....no.....u...u...were dead........i....saw....ur dead body....ur heart...u...u...were dead....saying this i slipped down against the wall holding my head in my hand....yes....u were dead....when suddenly he yanked me up & pulled my hairs laughing...."dead...?.....am i?.....b*t*h.....i wouldn't die that easily......atleast not before making u my personal whore..." saying this he pushed me against d wall....."aaah..." i cried d moment it hit my head with d force drawing blood out of my forehead.......i stood up with jerk...& started running towards d door.....when he held my legs making me fall down face first on d ground......"not so soon....whats d hurry baby....."....saying this he started dragging my body pulling my legs to a dark room....alll d while i kept crying for neil...& kabir..........yet nobody came....."neil.....kabir.......neil...kabir..."...calling out to them loudly he started laughing & said leaning towards me...."nobody's gonna come baby....tonight u r all mine..."....saying this he took out a knife .....thn moving it all over my face he said in a mocking tone...."lets start the game baby...shall we?"......"aahhhhhhhh....."....i cried d moment he made a deep & long cut along d length of my right hand...... tears of pain & fear rolling down my cheeks.....whimpering in pain i looked up at him.....when he smirked & said...."awwww....baby....did it hurt...?"....when i didn't replied .....he grabbed my chin tightly & made me look up at him...."did it hurt?..."....i didn't replied again...& tried to wiggle out of his hold.....somewhere deep down i knew i wouldn't make it....alive....."aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh"....a loud cry of pain escaped my lips when i felt heart wrenching pain in my stomach....looking down....i saw red...only red.....blood was oozing out of my wound.....he plunged d knife deep again in d same spot & asked..."now....baby.....tell me did it hurt....".....i cried loud..."plz....plz stop....stop this....".....this time he twisted knife in my stomach & said..."baby.....u r not being a good girl....didnt i ask u a simple question..."....pain moved all over my body....it felt like someone is peeling my flesh off....loud sobs escaped my lips.....now he rolled his eyes & said..."ugggh....this is not fun.....u r not cooperating baby....damn.....im getting bored....lets finish this off"....saying this his he pulled my hairs again causing a loud cry to escape my mouth......slowly he pulled d knife out of my stomach.....causing loud & painful sobs to fill d darkness of d dark room....thn with a jerk he moved knife right against my neck......& said"....c u again..."......with that he laughed & moved d knife....."aaaah...."....another painful shriek escaped my mouth....when someone started shaking me......"Radhika...Radhika...."....

my breaths came in panting......my heart felt restless....someone kept yelling my name....but all i could feel was pain....imense pain....when suddenly someone grabbed my hand making me sit with a jerk.....panic struck me & i tried pushing the hand away.....i tried to wiggle myself out..."plz...plz...leave me....its painful...plz..."......i cried.....when d hold didn't loosen up....i started hitting d person all crying..."leave me....leave me...".....when suddenly a pair of warm but hard hands cupped my cheek.....& someone said...."look at me....princess....look at me"....very slowly i looked up meeting brown eyes.....a gasp escaped my lips.....tears rolled down my eyes..."kabir...."......i cried & hugged him..."kabir....he was here....he ...he would k...kill me....h...he came back....h...he came back...j...jai..."loud sobs accompanied my outburst...."h...he is b...back.."....panic struck me.......i clutched him tightly..."blood...b...blood...make it go away....plz...plz...make it go away....its hurting......plz kabir....its unbearable...plz..."....crying i kept my head on his chest.....mumbling.."he is b...back....b....blood...."......thats when kabir brought his hand around my neck holding me tightly against him....he started rocking me back & forth......& thn very slowly he placed his forehead against mine.....taking deep breath he said..."it was a nightmare princes....only nightmare.....he would never come back...he is gone..." hearing him my body started trembling & i pulled away with a jerk...."no...no...he was h...here....kabir....he is back....he would kill me.....he would kill me kabir....im saying truth....plzzz....kabir....believe me.....he is back...c what he did to me..."...saying this i started rubbing blood off my hand harshly.......& cried...."he would kill me....he promised he would c me again...he is back...he is back........."......now kabir tugged my hand making me look down...another gasp escaped my lips....there was no blood....i stuttered..."...h...how....?"........slowly i looked up at him with my tears filled eyes....when he averted his gaze & took a deep breath while running his hand through his hairs....thn he looked straight in my eyes & held both my hands gently in his & said..."it was a nightmare princess....believe me.....he is dead....he wouldn't hurt u ever again....i promise......".....saying this he hugged me once again....this time i broke in to heavy sobs & said....while clutching onto him..."it all felt real....everything....his presence....his words.....blood....pain...everything felt real kabir...real.....".....he slowly rubbed my back calming me a bit....but my heart was restless......it felt like i needed someone else...moving away from him....i slowly wiped my tears...& looked around when my eyes fell on neil .....he looked straight in my eyes....his eyes as if saying million things...but the he quickly turned around clutching his fist tightly ......seeing him again tears made their way down my eyes......i got on my knees on d bed....& crawled at d cornner of d bed.....hugging him tightly from behind.... he turned around with a jerk pressing my head against his chest very tightly.....this time i didnt sobbed but cried silently...while he stroked my hairs lightly.....very slowly words came out of my mouth in mere a whisper..."im scared neil....im so scared ..."...hearing this his hands stopped for a moment but then he again continued & after few seconds he said..." i know....i know ......" thn his hold tightened on me & his body tensed when he said...."but i can't c u in pain....i...i can't" when i moved my face up to look at him....he was already looking at me with red eyes....he slowly bend down & kissed my forehead......saying..."i would have killed him a million times before he would hv even breathed again in same air as you....he would never come back Radhika....never.....it was a nightmare... just a nightmare...hmmm?...."...with that he made me sit on d bed with my head leaning on his shoulder ...on my other side kabir came & held my hand gently but firmly......there was silence for sec...peaceful silence.....but my heart was restless....there was fear inside me....suddenly....i started looking around...as if something inside me was looking for something ....someone.....but nothing calmed my nerves....looking around i spotted a figure at d door...my heart sped up....& i quickly sat straight...trying to look at d door....but thn d women from yesterday morning nandu came to my view....& a feeling of dissappointment brushed over me...i dont why....but something tugged my heart....i looked up at her again to c her looking intently at me.....she stared at me as if contemplating something....as if she was confused for a sec....but in a fraction of sec hate was eminent in her eyes...& she turned around leaving the room...

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