Simply No Way

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Plus, mentions of one-sided puzzleshipping (or is it requited? We won't know until later!) in this chapter.

Blindshipping will be the main focus of this story, featuring a fem!Heba and a most definitely male Atemu.


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts


Chapter One: Simply no Way


Yuugi looked to the darkened sky and flinched when a drop of rain landed in his eye.Wiping it away Yuugi muttered a curse before pulling his school uniform's collar up around his ears. He made a break for it as the rain began to come down in buckets. The attempt to stay dry was futile.

"Just great." Yuugi sighed. He was already soaked to the skin and it hadn't even been five minutes. His golden blonde bangs stuck to his pale, cherubic face and even his normally gravity-defying ebony tresses were slicked down his back. Yuugi stopped running under a canvas overhang and caught his breath, hugging himself to keep the shivers at bay.

Yuugi really wished he'd watched the weather last night. At least he would've known to pack an umbrella. He took a deep breath and blew on his chill hands. On second thought, he wished for a portable, waterproof heater. That would be fantastic.

There was a coffee shop across the street; he could get warmer there. Maybe even wait out the storm? Yuugi didn't hesitate. The young man sprinted across the empty road and made his way inside. He bought himself hot chocolate and took a seat at one of the high tables near the window.

Yuugi pouted when the rain seemed to increase, the precipitation sounding like fingers tapping against a table in quick succession against the coffee shop's window. Forgetting it was hot, Yuugi took a swig of his beverage and nearly spit it out. He swallowed quickly and bit his tongue against the stinging agitation. Great.

Yuugi stared outside once his tongue stopped burning. As the rain poured down his thoughts drifted to the many sleepless nights he'd had for the past few weeks - and how, during each of them, he'd dreamed of none other than his own Mou Hitori No Boku.

A sharp pang went through his heart. Yuugi bit his lip and rotated the styrofoam cup along its bottom rim. It would be a huge understatement to say Yuugi missed Atemu rather terribly. In fact, it even went beyond description.

Especially since... Well. That didn't matter now, did it?

The dreams weren't helping any either. It was always a snippet, but the setting was most definitely Ancient Egypt, and Yuugi would know what the Egyptian Palace looked like even blindfolded. However Yuugi could barely remember anything beyond a pair of familiar crimson orbs smiling down at him happily. He couldn't even remember the ending of the dreams.

It had only been three months since the Ceremonial Duel, and each day since then had been long, heartbreaking, and - to be honest - not very exciting. Yuugi had grown so accustomed to saving the world with his other half and friends that the switch to living a normal life had been much more difficult than it probably should of been. The gang had an easier time than he did, adjusting to this old state of normalcy in only a matter of weeks. One of them would comment on their previous adventures every now and then, even mention how boring everything seemed to be in regard to the past four years, but they were happy otherwise. Yuugi was the only one stuck in the past. He really, truly, missed his Other Half. Always would.

"One would think four years would be more than enough incentive to want things to return to normal..." Yuugi whispered softly, peering at the cup's lid as he set the cup upright on the table. He stared at it for a few moments. The truth was, four years wasn't enough. Being with his Yami had made the adventure normal to him. The time they spent together felt just so very right. The thought made his heart clench painfully in his chest.

Why didn't he say something to Atemu during the duel? Or sooner? Yuugi didn't want him to go...

'Idiot.' Yuugi thought, suddenly angry at himself. 'You're being selfish. Atemu is now living happily in the afterlife and he doesn't need you wishing you could take it all back. You should be happy for him!'

Yuugi sighed again - he'd been doing that a lot today - and slid down his seat, his anger quickly evaporating into thin air. Of course Yuugi was happy for Atemu; living the remainder of existence in the afterlife and finally having your soul at peace after three thousand years was a great deal and exactly what the Pharaoh deserved. Yuugi was ecstatic for his crush's happiness. But...

Would Atemu have been happy remaining on Earth? Would he have been happy remaining with Yuugi?

Yuugi would never get the chance to know.

Yuugi remained at the shop until his drink was empty. He didn't care about the rain anymore; it was only as unrelenting as before and would most likely get worse before the hour was up. Might as well get wet now rather than later. Yuugi exited the shop without so much as a backward glance.

He walked again across the street, slower this time. The rain was coming down in sheets. Yuugi wrapped his arms around himself again. What would it be like to be called 'Aibou' by him again?

There was a screech of tires in the distance.

"I shouldn't be thinking like this." Yuugi muttered, speaking to no one in particular. He gritted his teeth in an attempt to keep back the sorrow. "Besides, there's no way..." His pale pink lips quivered sadly. "Simply no way."

There really was no way Atemu could have liked Yuugi back. Right?

Bright lights dimmed by the rain drew Yuugi's attention to his right. Twin radiant yellow orbs came ever closer - and Yuugi was frozen. A rev broke the tension but the lights didn't slow.

Before Yuugi knew it the lights had hit and he was flying. It didn't hurt until he landed on the hard pavement near the curb. Stars danced and twirled before his eyes. Darkness swam and seeped into his mind. Everywhere hurt; he couldn't move his limbs. He thought he heard a door slam shut but the pain in his head had Yuugi attribute the sound as nonsense.

As darkness crept in and sound faded, Yuugi's large eyes flitted to a close. He began to dream.



Hope you liked Chapter One of "I am Heba"! My apologies for it ending the way it did, I know how it is about cliffhangers. BUT! It will be worth it.

I hope. :3

I also apologize for any errors.

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