All I wanted was to love you.

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All I wanted was to love you

Anthony, know that I don't blame you for my choice. Know that you are the only thing that keep me going me going for the last few years... seeing you gave me hope... but now that you and kalel are getting married... I just can't... Anthony I have loved you for so many years... It killed me that you would never love me back...

                            good bye, Anthony.

Ian read the note he wrote over and over.  Ian knew that this is what he wanted... he wanted to die... Ian looked at the small metal object in his hand. Tears streamed down his face. " this is it." he thought.  images of Anthony flashed throw his head.  Ian just wanted it to end for of all to end. "No one will miss me." he thought. " I have nothing to live for.  Ever one likes Anthony better any way.." He held the knife to his right wrist and sobbed.  he pressed in to  his skin and let the blood pour from his wrist. Ian cryed out in pain and layed down on the ground and let the darkness caper him.

Anthony  never thought this what he would see.. Anthony walked in the house the door was unlocked wicth was strange he walked in... he took a few small steps in house saying "Hey ia- IAN!!" Anthony ran to ians pale body and was screaming "help! somebody anybody!!" anthony pressed his ear to ians cest trying to find a beat.


Anthony started to do CPR yelling " ian don do this to me.. please... I need you..." the CPR was not helping so he stop and started to pound on ians chest yelling "COME BACK PLEASE!" Anthony begain to sob. he pulled out his phone and called 911> " Hello..." he took a qivery breath and conutied "My best friend killed himself."

when the cops got there Anthony was a mess. he was sobbing over Ian's body begging him to come back. The cops took Ian's body away and where asking Anthony questions. Anthony was standing outside covered in Ian's blood. in the middle of the cops asking questions another cop came over and handed Anthony Ian's suicide note... Anthony read the note. when he was done reading the note Anthony feel to his knees and started to cry in his hands. " I love you too Ian." he sobbed  

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