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Enjoy! <3

Joey wispered "Shane?" Shane eyes fluttered opean He gasped "Joey? It was Sawyer!" Joey pulled Shane in for a tight hug Joey cryed "I love you!!" Shane pecked his cheack and said "I love you too."  Joey looked at Shane and asked where are you hurt?" He ponted to hi sshoulder Joey pulled up the sleeve it was cut bad. Shane said "He took Mari.  I'm soo sorry Anthony."  "I'm the poicle and an ambulance!" said Joey.  He pulled out his phone.  "No I lost her too... I lst her too." thought Anthony.  Anthonys phone went off it was Mari "Mari where are you?!"  She said weakly "My apament. Quick!"  They line went dead.  Anthony dropped his phone and ran to his car Joey yelled "Anthony!!"

All Anthony was thinking "I can't lose her too... I can't!"

I kept Shane... will I keep Mari?!!?! Short I know!!!!! I"M SORRY MORE HOPEFULLY TOMMOROW!!! THANK YOU FOR READING!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

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