|Ch 15| Falling for Gracie

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Tyler's pov:

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Tyler's pov:

"The boss is ready for you." I just nodded my head in thanks to the tall bulky bald man that came out of Xavier's office just seconds ago.

"What's the news on Daniel? And if you give me the 'I have nothing' crap then expect a bullet through your head." Xavier growls the moment I walk in. He sure does need a mint.

"Yes I found some very useful stuff." I tell the asshole in a monotone voice trying to control my fear and anger.

"Well let's hear it, come on boy I don't have all day." Xavier says irritated looking up from the papers he was reading.

"There's a girl-" He interrupts me like the rude person he is. I shouldn't be surprised this is Xavier the same bastard that cares for no one but himself it's no wonder he's single at 35.

"A girl, go on." He says now intrigued.

"Well her names Gracie May and she goes to school with Daniel."

"That's it! She's just some class mate he's fucking!!" He shouts getting his gun out probably thinking the girl was just another desperate slut he bangs from school.

"No wait!! She isn't just any girl I've been watching them and he cares about the girl! He's always smiling and laughing when he's with her." I rant in one breath in hopes that it's enough to please him so he can spare my life and my family's. The only reason why I'm here is because he threatened to kill my family if I don't do as he says.

I don't have anything against Daniel in fact if it weren't for Xavier forcing me to do his spying then I'm positive I would get along with Daniel.

"Hmm, so Daniel finally found himself a girl." He smirks while rubbing his chin in a thinking gesture after putting his gun away.

"This is good Tyler I want you to continue your observation. Come back tomorrow so I can tell you what I want you to do next." He instructs.

"Yes sir."

"You may leave." He shoos me away. Finally I hate this guy.

Not needed to be told twice I walk out letting out a breath of relief as I walk to my quite home that once was filled with the happy shouts and the voices of my family. I need to hurry up and help Xavier bring Daniel down so I can have my family back home and safe from any harm Xavier can cause them.


Gracie's pov:

Its Monday and Daniel never came to school today which in the end was a good thing for me. I didn't have to worry about him asking me questions on why i was avoiding him because quite frankly i had no clue what I was going to say to him if he asked why I was ignoring him. I'm not gonna lie I missed the guy and his flirty personality but I need to forget him before the feelings I have for him intensify. He is already gaining my affection after a few days and that scares me. I'm suppose to be a strong independent girl not a love sick girl falling for a bad boy of all guys.

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