This very frequently falls in ourschedule when we have to end up
eating at relatives house because
either we have no choice or our
parents have forced us to do as
they will be out without us. It's
not that big deal eating at your
relatives because probably we all
love food and if we find food over
there of our choice then it's
heaven however contrary to it,
it's hell and we have gone
through both of them. The
problem occurs when our very
own relatives end up asking lots
of questions about your career
and stuff and after minor
answers you end up being
clueless. This situation is severely
faced by teenagers and this is one
of the reason why teenagers
always try to run away from their
relatives. This situation at a point
is still fine but when you are
forced to eat though you have
stuffed yourself enough is a pain,
severe one! Our relatives always
feel that we as children eat out of
formality but someone should try
to make them understand that
teenagers are always hungry and
if the food is good they will not
return hungry. To overcome
atleast one of this kind of
situation, I found a way. On
experimenting on my relatives, I
realized it worked quite well. The
trick goes like this.. When you
start your meal with your
relatives, after sometime, when
your stomach is half full you start
saying 'I'm full '
instead of saying when your
stomach is actually full. For sure
they are going to make some
additions in your plate as a
courtesy however, they will stop
when you are continuously
mumbling that you are done and
till then your stomach will be
satisfied as well. This may seem a
silly and simple approach
however simple ideas are hardly
thought of when everyone goes
complex. 😃
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RandomLet this book connect you through its write-ups on divergent topics and make you realize that you are not facing this alone.😀