Chapter 14 - Slughorn's Party

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No one in particular's POV

Hermione was standing outside of the library, looking nervous as ever. She was still shaken up by the events that just went down.

"Ello 'Mione!" she heard a sudden voice behind her.

"Oh, Hey Luna." Hermione said with a half smile.

"Harry told me about the note, say Hermione, have you met up with Draco yet or are you just waiting for him?" whispered Luna, making sure that the students passing by didn't hear her.

"Oh well.. I didn't know Harry told you. I wanted to keep it a secret really, but there is nothing to hide now. I have already met up with him." Hermione muttered with a slight nervous smile.

"And how did it go?" Luna asked with excitement.

"It went.. I don't even know. I.. I think I really do like him. But Luna, Harry is right! This is Draco who we are talking about. He said he really does like me and he gave me time to think, but I don't want to make Harry or Ron angry."  Hermione whispered with tears building up in her eyes.

"I dated Draco. It was about two years ago actually. He really isn't a bad person you know. It is his parents who are horrible, specifically his father. He is a death eater you know. But Draco has no interest in being one. You should give him a chance, and I will talk to Harry, focus on making yourself happy 'Mione. Oh and by the way I totally SHIP IT!." Luna exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Tha.. thanks Luna." Hermione mumbled with a half smile.

"You might as well take Draco to Professor Slughorn's party, you are invited aren't you? So is Harry, he said everyone is allowed to take a plus one and he decided to take me. You should think about it." smiled Luna and happily skipped away humming to some kind of song.

"Yeah.. I will think about it." she whispered with no one to hear her voice.


It was around 11:00PM and Hermione was sitting in the Gryffindor common room alone by the fire. The quiet popping of the fire was the only sound in the room apart from her writing. For once she wasn't studying late at night for some kind of assessment, this time she was writing a letter. A letter for Draco to be exact. Hermione has finally decided to give him a small chance, she decided to invite him as her plus one to professor Slughorn's party tomorrow evening.

Talk about something stressful right? Harry and Ron still had no idea. At this point she felt like the only person she could trust was Luna. Draco is a nice guy, well according to Luna to say the least.

There, there. The screeching of the pen has finally stopped. Hermione decided to give it to Draco at breakfast, and now go to sleep. Finally.


Harry's POV.

For some reason I am nervous. Very nervous. I have one hour until Slughorn's party and I am taking Luna, my girlfriend. I want this to go perfectly, it doesn't happen often in Hogwarts that we go to some kind of party. The last time was at the Yule Ball, which she attended  with Malfoy.

I happened to find out from Luna that Hermione might actually go to the party with Malfoy. I think I'm going to give him one chance, but that doesn't mean I will be nice to him.. ever. The only reason I decided so is because of what Luna said. She is positive that he isn't a bad person. I am not too sure about that honestly.

I made my way down to the grand staircase where me and Luna decided to meet just before the party, I got more and more nervous by every step I took. I spotted Luna already waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase, with her back facing towards me. She had her beautiful dirty blonde hair clipped behind her head, and her outfit was rather... quirky, she looked as gorgeous as ever. I sneaked up behind her but just before I got to scare her "I heard you coming Harry!" she exclaimed and turned around with the brightest smile.

"Oh, dammit! You look beautiful." I blurted out, but really she looked amazing, not the normal kind of amazing, but the Luna kind of unique amazing.

"So do you Harry! We should start making our way now, we don't want to be late." she cheered, and started to make her way down to Professor Slughorn's office while holding my hand.

On our arrival I have already spotted Malfoy and Hermione on the other side of the office sitting by a table, they looked to be in a deep conversation. Luna gave me a half smile and skipped over to them to say hello. Malfoy looked nervous as ever when Luna appeared, but Hermione looked, well... happy and waved at me to come over. I hesitated for a couple of seconds because of pure disgust and anger as my eyes settled on Draco but I began to walk over anyway.

"And here is one of my favourite students! Harry! I'm glad you came." Professor Slughorn exclaimed, stopping me in my tracks and shook my hand. 

"Ah, Professor! Of course, I'm so honoured that I've been invited Sir." I replied with fake excitement.

"I see you came with Miss Lovegood, tell me a secret Harry, is she your girlfriend?" Slughorn asked, trying to keep the conversation going. I didn't want to be rude though I wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"Yes Professor, she is. By the way Professor your office looks very nicely decorated." I said nervously, I always got nervous when I was asked about Luna. Slughorn responded with a loud and obnoxious laugh and patted my back and said thank you, then told me to go and see everyone else.

"Hi Potter." Malfoy said coldly.

"Malfoy." I responded just as coldly as him, which caused Hermione to give me a dirty and hurt look, and pointed towards the curtains to talk to me.

"Please, Harry try to be nice to him, I already asked the same of him." She begged.

"I said I'll give him a chance, but I never promised to be nice to that ferret when he is being a cockroach to me!" I hissed not even trying to hide the fact that I was annoyed.

"Harr-" began Hermione but was interrupted by a loud noise from the room which made us both jump and leave the curtains.

The music has stopped and all the guests looked startled, no one said a word and you could feel the tension building up in the room. "I'll escort him Professor." Professor Snape said looking down at Malfoy who's pale and tired complexion filled up with disgust and anger.

"Certainly" He answered and followed after Snape.

I looked at Luna who seemed shocked and startled and I waved at her to follow, while telling Hermione to stay.

Just as we left the office we heard Snape and Malfoy arguing in the corridor but I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, so we tried moving closer as silently as we could. The voices became clearer and I stopped and squeezed  Luna's hand who was shaking. 

   "Listen to me. I am trying to help you. I swore to your mother I would protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow, Draco -"  

  "Looks like you'll have to break it, then, because I don't need your protection! It's my job, he gave it to me and I'm doing it, I've got a plan and it's going to work, it's just taking a bit longer than I thought it would! I was chosen for this! He chose me!"


Thank you so much for reading this chapter! If you find any grammar or spelling mistakes please let me know, and also if you have any ideas for future chapters let me know as well! Thank you for all the support on this FF it means the world for me! ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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