Where's Cindy?

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Jimmy, Sheen, Libby and Carl are now seated at their spot. Another minute already passed and Cindy hasn't arrived yet. In fact, They've been waiting for her in exactly 3 minutes. Well, 3 minutes for Jimmy. Sheen, Libby and Carl have been waiting for her in exactly 8 minutes. "Where could my girl be?" Libby asked getting worried. Everyone's getting worried but they tried to stay calm. "I don't know, None of us know. Earlier she texted me she's on her way but she's not here. But let's try not to get worried, I'm sure she just stopped somewhere for a while. Let's wait for another minute, if she's not yet here, we'll go look for her" Jimmy said. But before Libby could protest. Sam punched their table shocking the group. "Are you ordering or what?! There are customers who wanted to have a seat and you're making them leave affecting my business!! You've been just sitting there for 4 minutes, if you're not ordering then LEAVE!!!" Sam scolded "Jeez, would you relax buddy, we're just waiting for our blonde friend named Cindy and LEARN HOW TO WAIT WOULD YAH, THERE'S PLENTY OF SEATS AROUND!!! or you could just sit on the floor if you want, it's squeaky clean, Sam cleaned it 1 year ago" Sheen said "Not helping" Libby whispered to Sheen. Then realization hit him "Oh uh, hey Sam, thought you're a customer who's really angry because they've been waiting for minutes or hours and wanted to us to leave so that they can have our spot" Sheen said "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Sam yelled irritated and Jimmy, Libby and Carl rushed out of the Candy Bar. "Sheen, did you drink your medicine?" Libby asked "Maybe.... Maybe Not" Sheen said "Well, what can I say it's pretty hot out here" He added "Because it's Summer Sheen" Libby said "Well, New Summer, Same old Sam" Sheen said looking at the candy bar sighing "Uh, it's Summer not New Year" Carl argued "So what? Can't we have New Summer's Resolution?" Sheen argued back "Guys!! Stop quarrelling, we've got some situation here!!" Jimmy yelled "Oh right, My medicine" Sheen said and quickly swallowed his medicine "Oh now I remember, It's carl that we said hi too not Cindy, Seriously Libby?" Sheen said and the three slapped their foreheads. "Oh right, Cindy's not yet here" Sheen said "Yeah, like what I was saying, Since we've been kicked out of the candy bar let's just go and look for her, I brought the hover car with me. COme on!!" Jimmy told them and they all headed and rode the hover car. Jimmy's using her watch to search for her and driving the hover car. "I hope nothing bad happened to her" Libby said "Well, if something bad happened to her you should've seen her right Jimmy"Libby asked "Well, yeah, but Knowing her she probably took a different route you know that she always stop by at her mom's office before she go hang out with us" Jimmy said "Even though she could've just texted us" he added "Well, Mrs. Vortex wanted Cindy to ask her personally so that she knew she's not making up stories, I don't still understand why" Libby said and sighed "Please be alright Cindy" Jimmy thought


Cindy's already near the candy bar when she remembered she have to text Jimmy that She's on her way already. So she stopped and texted him. "Well, he'll receive it soon enough" Cindy said and started walking. But she didn't know that the traffic light is broken, she's already in the middle texting Libby when the sign turned green and a pickup truck that a drunk man is driving turned and hit Cindy. Cindy saw it in slow motion she closed her eyes to brace for the impact, she saw the driver gasped and was about to steer the wheel but it still hit her and pain jolted through her body and she screamed in agony. Her phone flew from her grip, a Pool of blood was clearly visible at the street. The driver was shocked but just turned back and drive away. Thankfully, That street was near the market. Judy saw everything and she brought out her phone and captured the plate number of the car. She then called 911 and brought Cindy at the hospital. 


"We still haven't found her" Jimmy said "Robofiend probably kidnapped her" Sheen said "Well, we should check her house or her mom's office" Carl said "Well, if she should've texted us when she's not allowed to go or maybe she doesn't have load" Libby said "Well she could always go out and buy load" Jimmy said "And I don't understand Why I can't trace her!!" Jimmy said "Well, you can't trace her without putting some tracking device on her clothes or something. Unless, You really did put a gps on her" Libby said grinning "What?!! WHy?! Why would I do that?!!" Jimmy asked "Well, you're spying on her" Libby said "OOOhhh" Sheen and Carl said in usion "Would you cut it out!! Yes, I put a gps on her ponytails, I went to her room when she's not there whenever Libby and her hang out. It's not activated when she's not wearing them but when she wore one then that certain one will activate and it's.. it's not just her I put tracking device on. You too" Jimmy said "What?!!" The three exclaimed "Yeah, I put sheen's at his shirt, Carl's at his glasses and Libby's at her shoes" Jimmy said "Look!!" He added.. Jimmy first turned on autopilot and show them his watch he select sheen and it turned green that said Sheen detected. "Oh, Why am I lost?" Sheen asked "No!! He just use it as an example I thought you already drink your medicine?" Libby asked "Well yeah but its not that effective" Sheen mocked her "UGHH!!!" libby screamed Suddenly, Goddard appeared flying. "Bark! bark!!" Goddard said "Oh hey Goddard? What are you doing here?" Jimmy asked as Goddard land in the Hover Car beside Jimmy "Brkk! Bark!!" He lifted his screen and his mom's voice can be heard. "Thank goodness I've reached you jimmy. Goddard thanks." Judy said "Hi Judy" Carl called "Hi Mom. So why did you call?" Jimmy asked "I've been trying to reach you, I called 6 times and I texted you 16 times, haven't you read it?" Judy asked "Oh uh sorry mom, my Phone's on Silent mode in my Hover car's compartment. So why did you call again?" Jimmy asked "Well if you're too lazy to get your phone out of the-" Jimmy ut him off "We're looking for Cindy mom, apparently, we're supposed to meet at the candy bar but she didn't arrived" Jimmy said "That's why I called Jimmy. Well, you see Cindy has been hit by a drunk Pickup Driver" Judy said "What?!!" Jimmy yelled "and we're here at the hospital. Goddard knew where just meet me here, your dad's on his way." Judy said and with that the call ended "So that's probably why I can't trace her, when she got hit the gps must've disconnected from her ponytail. Goddard lead us the way" Jimmy said "Bark, Bark!" and they headed to the hospital. 

Here's another chapter. Hope you like it :) 

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