Little lion boy

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Savannah, Georgia /5:45 p.m/ January 13, 2017

LaGravis was not in a good mood. He and his son had just moved into a new house literally two and a half months ago and Laval had already caught a cold. Of course LaGravis wasn't mad, he was actually quite worried.  He just didn't understand how on earth Laval got sick so quickly.

·Sure, he played outside a lot.

·Had to re-find his jackets so he didn't have the appropriate clothing for the weather for a whole week.

·The heat in the house had to be fixed so no heat for a least three weeks.

LaGravis was starting to piece things together. This was the exact reason he hated moving. EVERYTHING changed or had to be changed. But, he did it for Laval. He was getting bullied, not too good in school which effected his grades, and he didn't eat as much as he used too and had just broken up with his girlfriend Li'ella. Laval had been...upset for a while. LaGravis didn't want to see where this was going...

So, here he is walking home from the pharmacy with loads of cough syrup, cough drops, tea, at least seven boxes of tissues, and and of course something not really needed but he purchased any way...two extra blankets. Why this was not needed was because he already bought three earlier...

Once LaGravis got home he could hear Laval having a coughing fit in his room. When Laval got sick it really was no ordinary sick, Laval was really sick. Like, coughing so bad he didn't get a chance to breathe, sneezing so much that blood would come out, headaches so terrible that Laval couldn't even say full sentences. Yep, Laval got the worst of it. 

Last time this happened LaGravis got so worried that he took Laval to the hospital. This was bad for LaGravis too. Since it was only him and Laval, LaGravis had to work at home and do a night job while Laval slept at night. All they both really wanted was to spend time together...LaGravis never really wondered how Laval felt about all this...

"Dad...." LaGravis heard Laval's cry from upstairs. He raced up the stairs like Laval was dying or something. He really hoped that wasn't the case...

"I'm home son, how you feeling?" LaGravis said sitting on his knees next to Laval's bed.

"Well, my throat has gotten worse, I can't sleep, I couldn't breathe for about thirty seconds, and I literally couldn't tell if I was in my bed or on a floor of stone..." Laval said this in a very hoarse voice and he moved a bit to get comfortable.

LaGravis hated seeing Laval like this. He really did. Four days ago, Laval was jumping down the stairs, running through the halls, and non-stop whining about how much he wanted to go to six flags. LaGravis knew Laval wouldn't be able to go there for another five days. Laval's colds stuck on him for a long time. 

LaGravis put the backside of his hand on Laval's forehead and felt an immediate surge of heat greet him. Both Laval and LaGravis frowned when LaGravis pulled his hand. "I'm not getting any better am I?" Laval said before he started coughing and wheezing. LaGravis took time to look around Laval's room. Gold, blue, and red were painted on his walls. Posters of fall out boy were all over his ceiling and two shelves full of marvel comics (mostly superman) stacked neatly order by date. Not to mention his little stash of motorcycle model's hidden in a random corner. As well, Laval's collection of lion sweaters, tee shirts, and sneakers . Laval never explained what his addiction with lions came from, well LaGravis can't really complain he loved lions too. But LaGravis was getting distracted, he was looking for something to cheer Laval up. That's when a certain motorcycle caught his gaze. LaGravis got up and rushed over to it. He came back to Laval with a blue (mostly red) motorcycle with a lion face print on the sides and front. 

Legends of Chima...Laval gets LaGravis sick.Where stories live. Discover now