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Let's say you're somewhere totally alone.
And not alone like there's no people around.
Alone like you can't talk to any of these people, you don't know the language, you can't even catch an eye contact with them.
They're all just ignoring you.

What do you do?

Do you keep trying to get their attention?

Keep thinking, thinking is cool.

So what do you do?

I guess after some time you just give up on them, on friends, on talks and everything.

You just live like a total outsider - like Tristan Evans.


It's the next day, Friday.
A really hot and amazing Friday, perfect to go on a date, right?

There we have a lunchtime again, and again people eating and talking.

If you look at the east corner of the canteen, you'll see a tall, blond-haired boy sitting alone and trying to eat his sandwich.
His mouth is fulfilled with bread and cheese but his eyes are focused on something.
More on someone, to be exact.

His eyes are focused on the short, dark, curly haired boy, that is just casually standing with his friends beside lockers, resisting on them.

Bradley is smiling and laughing.
His eyes are shining like they had a little sparkles in them.
Or maybe it's just what Tristan sees?

Suddenly, Bradley catches Tristan's gaze.
He gives the blonde a mysterious look, and so the taller boy just takes his gaze away and focuses his sight on the sandwich he's holding.

Tristan mentally slaps himself for feeling and acting this way.
He just wishes he didn't fall for Bradley.

" Hey man " he hears a soft voice and feels the table shaking. Who would ever like to sit with him?

But he exactly knows this voice.
He knows it better than anything, cause it's the voice of the person, that doesn't even know how much he means to Tristan.
Or maybe he does?

"Um,Hi, bradley " Tristan replies, swallowing what he had in his mouth and placing the rest of his sandwich back on the table. "What... Um, maybe... Why are you here?"

Bradley just stares at him for a couple of seconds and them, looking at the ceiling, says:

"just wanted to say sorry for what happened before. I didn't want to be this... Rude " the shorter boy said, kinda questioning the last word, because we all know, that being rude was exactly what he wanted to be.

" Its alright" Tristan says, twiddling his hair a little bit "so, um, do you want something more? Or are you going to leave me now?"

Tristan obviously wanted Bradley to stay with him as long as he just can, but something inside was telling him, that he shouldn't show it.

Something just didn't feel right.
Why would Bradley simpson talk exactly to him, apologize him, when in the canteen was much more people, more interesting people, that he could say sorry to for doing much worse things than just saying to simply fuck off.

"Actually, I wanted to ask, if you maybe want to go somewhere tonight, after school?" Brad asked, while Tristan was drinking his water.

That question basically made him almost expectorate all the water on his jeans.

"Why?" That was the only thing Tristan could 'say' but more exactly mumble right now.

"Cause I have no plans for this evening and I want to reward you my rudeness" dark eyed smiled, what made Tristan's stomach make a few flip overs. "So, are you going?"

Bradley was sitting nervously.
He didn't really want people to talk about him talking with this antisocial teenager that he didn't even tolerate.
Although he knew that the whole canteen was actually staring at them.

"Uhm, yeah, yeah, sure" Tristan tried to smile.
Inside he wanted to scream, cause, look, his biggest crush ever asked him for a date, did he?

After Tristan's answer, bradley just smiled fakely and went back to his friends, that were having so much fun watching this situation.


And now, think again

Will the outsider find a way to talk with the most popular guy in his school?

Winner ▪️ Tradley Where stories live. Discover now