Prologue: The First Attack

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~Levi's POV~

It all started back in third grade. I was ten years old and happy-go-lucky when it happened.

It was a normal day at recess and I was swinging, adrenaline pumping through my veins whenever I would lean back. But one fateful time I leaned back, I felt a pang in my chest and released on of the chains to grip the fabric of my shirt. I then fell out of the swing, gripping my shirt with both hands while I grit my teeth in agony. My fellow classmates rushed to gather around me while my teacher pushed her way through the crowd, picking me up and taking me to the nurses office where I passed out.

I woke up later in the hospital, an IV in my left arm and an oxygen mask over my face. My mother was beside me, waiting for me to wake up. Once she saw me, she told me the news. I had been diagnosed with inflammitory heart disease and to this day, I've had a total of twenty three attacks. They are triggered whenever I have too much adrenaline running through my system or when something happens that causes me anxiety or even when it's hot and I'm walking down the street to make a delivery.


Hey guys. I hope you like this book. I'm gonna try to make it as tragic as possible so stay tuned for more.

Erin Jaeger.

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