Chapter 2: Two Years later

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~Levi's POV~

I sigh, going into the doctor's office for my normal check up. I sign in and go to sit in the waiting room, rubbing my chest right over my heart. A little kids watches me, a curious look on their face. The mother scolds the child but I only give a soft smile to them, taking deep breaths to try to calm my racing heart. After about five minutes, the pain became worse and my heart started to beat faster. I gasp softly, gripping my shirt over my heart. I fall forward, curling up in a ball as I coughed, the pain becoming unbearable. The kid screamed and nurses ran over to me, trying to figure out what was wrong. Before I fell unconscious I saw a familiar face from my past.


I woke up in the hospital to see Dr. Jaeger checking my vitals. A young boy in the room with him.

"Ah, Levi, you're awake. I'd like you to meet my son, Eren. He's looking to go into the medical field in a couple years and this is a little task given to him by his teacher. To stay with a patient for a day, I felt that he should monitor you, seeing as you both are about the same age." Dr. Jaeger says, ushering his son closer to me. Eren smiles and extends a hand.

"I'm Eren, nice to meet you Levi. I look forward to taking care of you today." He says with a bright smile that was almost contagious.


I came to in a hospital room, monitors beeping around me. A doctor walks in, their head down so their brunette bangs hid their face from my view. When he looked up, I gasped softly. He smiled.

"Hello Levi. It's a pleasure to be treating you again..." Eren says, checking my vitals.

"We managed to apply the medication in time so you're not in too bad of a condition but I would like to keep you overnight for observation. I sigh and rub my face.

"Kinda figured... so, how'd you graduate med school so fast?"

"My father had some... influence... on the staff plus I already knew everything. It was easy." He says with a shrug.

"How'd highschool go for you Levi?"

"I graduated... that's all that matters." I whisper, sighing softly.

"That's good to hear." He says, taking down some notes.

"Do you have a job?" I nod.

"Where do you work?"

"The ramen shop just down the street." I whisper. "What does this have to do with my treatment?" I ask, irritated.

"Nothing. I would just like to get to know you. Seeing as I am your primary doctor now." He says, smiling. I sigh softly and close my eyes.

"Lucky me." I say sarcastically.


Heyyyyy I finally updated! I'm sorry it's short, but this is all I could think of right now... I'll try to update again tomorrow.

Erin Jaeger

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