Shards of Life

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Shards of Life

My name is Isaac Ryder, and this is the story of the 1st annual Death Games. In the games there are 8 tributes, 1 from each district at the age of 16 which go into a randomly generated dome with their weapon or choice. A twisted mind behind the controls at least partially controls our fate. There are life packs randomly generated around the ring, and if you are lucky enough to get the crowd on your side they may send you a little treat. Other than that, you are on your own. You may make an alliance of the maximum of 2 people. Let's just say if you try anything funny, your a dead man. I wasn't one of the lucky ones. I was chosen for the games on the first year. This is the story of the 1st annual death games.

I was sitting outside looking over the rolling plains in the warm green grass of district 6. Suddenly I hear a sound that nearly made my heart stop. A speaker boomed through the district shouting "The tributes for our first year of the death games has been decided. Please report to your district hall immediately." I started trembling trying to remember how this worked. I could vaguely remember, but I instantly knew I did not want to be a part of it.

I watched as all the people instantly flooded out of their houses rushing for the district square. I eventually started towards it still thinking about how this solved anything. Our nation has been in a state or war for 17 years now recruiting so many to go to battle. No one has a say if they go or not, our nation by the name of Asura. They have finally made a peace treaty where each district gives up one 16 year old and sends them off in a battle to the death. Some kind of peace that is. I finally arrived at district hall and my heart was beating out of my chest. The speaker, once again making me nearly jump out of my shoes boomed "Everyone has now been accounted for, we will begin the recitation of the tributes for the 1st Death Games.

"Ok calm down," I thought to myself, "you have about the same chance of being picked as you have a chance of winning the games." The deafening roar of the crowd grew quieter as someone went up on the stage. I remember that this was going on in all of the districts, likely at the same exact time. "The district's tributes of the other districts will be said first, then the tribute from ours. The districts each either give up a girl or a boy, which will add up to four girls and four boys. The next year they give a tribute of the opposite sex." The man continued speaking. "District one, Violet Stormer." The crowd had no reaction, considering they didn't know anyone out of their district. "District two, Kevin Octon. District three, Lyla Oakson. District four, Chase Warner. District five, Riley Ace. District 7, Nathan Morgenstern. District 8, Autumn Hanson. And the moment you've all been waiting for, the tribute from our hometown, district six." There was a pause as he opened the envelope. "Issac Ryder."

My heart completely stopped as the crowd went silent. I felt so weak I almost dropped to the ground. I slowly walked up to the podium wishing I could just suddenly die then and there. "Issac will be representing district 6 this year in the 1st death games. What an honor," the announcer said. This isn't an honor, this is the work of hell, I wanted to scream.

After two days passed, all the tributes where sent to a training camp where we would all first be dressed up and shown to the Capitol people, then trained. I walked into a room that had the word styling written on the door, I walked in and saw three people who where so colorful and abstract, I could hardly even tell then where human. "Hello." One of them said. "We will be your stylists for the games." I was put into a chair and told to relax. They kept applying lots of makeup and pulling my hair. After about half an hour of this I was completely transformed into a new person.

Before, I was just a normal boy in district 6 who didn't get fed enough like everyone else. Now I looked like some royal prince, I almost didn't recognize myself. "Now for wardrobe" one of the three said. I was put into a dashing suit and black pants. I was told that I was ready and I would now need to get on my horse drawn carriage. We got to the entrance of the showing area and after about 5 minutes of waiting, everyone was revealed. I looked at the row of five other tributes also dressed like royalty. But one girl stuck out to me right away, Riley Ace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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