Stay Happy

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"Hey Haruka, can I walk you home again?!" He smiled happily like a little bunny. "Doesn't matter" I sighed. "Aww c'mon don't be so down!" He laughed.


"What? Did you say something?" He tilted his head in wonder. "Wah? Huh? Um NOOO" I shook my head. "Haha, your so funny" he messed up my hair.

'Man she is so cute....her rosy cheeks...pale skin...her eyes are so leering. '

"Y-Yah!" I slapped his arm. "Sorry!!!" He clapped his two hands together bowing his head. "Aish!" I put up my hand but put it back down. "Make some lunch for me tommorw!" He jumped happily. "Eh why?" I asked. "Because. Your. Food. Is. Delicious" he poked my forehead. "Fine" I muttered quietly.

"Eh? Did I hear that right?" He looked over to me suprised. My cheeks flushed red, "I-I um" I ran away.

"HARUKA COME BACK!!" He yelled, I could hear his footsteps right behind me. "So we are running to your house?" A deep male voice said in between huffs. "Huh?!" I looked beside me and there he was...Jeon Jungkook.


"NUUUU!" I sped up my pace, "wait for me!" He pouted. My house is right there, in almost there.

I ran up the stairs if my apartment slamming the door behind me. "ok Haruka! Goodbye!! Make sure to make me lunch!!" I heard his voice through the door. I looked outside if the window an stared in dissapoitment. He stood there waving at me smiling.

How can he stay so happy?

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