Chapter II

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High schools around here have an odd but not so odd trend. There are two types of people the entire school knows of. The good kid who gets first in absolutely everything possible. And the "everything but nice" kids. You can imagine what that's like.
Only two months of school has gone by, but who fits in which group has already been made pretty clear. Though the school may seem calm and peaceful, serious but a little fun regardless, its true colours remain hidden. Like the ocean before a storm, water on the surface is filled with an odd stillness, hiding whatever wave is waiting beneath. With plenty of patience, but an even bigger ambition
In Jackson's world, however, he only had time to experience with the still water, the waves beneath were still something foreign to him.
A lot has happened.
For example, the entire school has heard about this "everything but nice guy" named Choi Youngjae, and his girlfriend April.
For example, April got voted as the prettiest girl. Yep high school kids are so bored they do these votes online.
For another example, Jackson became known as the "really really good kid" after getting first place in the placement test. All he has done in the past two month was study. People can't help but start wondering if he's human, and more importantly, a fifteen years old human.
Some afternoon, Jackson sits alone in the cafeteria, with his new best friend -- homework. It didn't used to be this way. Again, a lot has changed.
"BOO!" April jumps out from behind to scare him.
"Dude, aren't you eating with your boyfriend? What you doing here?" Jackson only gives her a quick glance before going back to his homework.
"Alright alright, I'm sorry I abandoned you, but at least stop doing work for a second."
"Homework is my top priority right now."
"I thought food was you top priority." Seeing Jackson like that was somehow worse than when she used to see him covered in blood and bruises. She rips the pen out of Jackson's hand and tosses it into a garbage can far away.
"IM APRIL!" Last time Jackson called April by her full name was when she fell off a train.
Jackson looks around after his sudden burst, and swallows down whatever anger was left. "Do that again and I'll kill you."

"Fine fine, but eat first." April isn't the slightest bit scared of Jackson's little tantrum, she slides Jackson's plate in front of him, and stuffs a pair of chopsticks into his hands. Jackson does what April says and starts inhaling food like a storm.
"Alright, what do you want?"
"Why else would you show up?"
"Umm..." April smiles eerily. The hair on the back of Jackson's neck stands up in sudden fear and the blood in his veins run cold.
"Umm... it's just that... wanna do my Math homework?"
"Haha, no."
"Pleeeeeaaaaase..." April pouts. "You know I'm horrible at math. And it takes so long, and I don't even know what sine or cosine or whatever it is mean. And I'm going out with Youngjae soo..."
"That's the real reason isn't it." Jackson face-palms.
"Besides, you are so good at math, one extra booklet won't be much work at all..." April bats her long lashes, her big eyes giving off a breathtaking shine like a star in the night sky. Any other boy would faint from the flashy rays she gives off, but Jackson has already developed immunity to her.
"What do I get?"
"Dude, we are best friends. Besides, deals are not always give and take; can't you just give and give for once?"
Clearly April has forgotten the fact they are in a cafeteria full of people, and has started to scream with a voice at pitches higher than her usual one.
"Fine fine fine. But just math."
The entire cafeteria has once again turned their heads to face the two. April and Jackson are used to this kind of attention, but April notices Youngjae was also staring at them.
"Ok ok, I swear to god just math."
"K, hurry, your boyfriend's looking."
Jackson pushes April away.
"Yeah right, I didn't tell you earlier but, he's been staring at us since you yelled my full name."
April leaves it at that and slips away, leaving Jackson in more confusion.

It's Friday again, and everyone is fighting their way to leave the classroom first. Except for Jackson of course.
He's been doing April's homework with people screaming and laughing as background music. He can't do it later since he has to work.
Jackson doesn't want to take money from his dad, so he got a job at some bar near his school. The manager there must have thought Jackson's tall and looked old enough to be eighteen.
With the last bell, Jackson writes his last number in a rush. He massages his sore neck a little, and gets up to give it to April.
He looks up only to see April running with her backpack over one shoulder. Around the corner was Choi Youngjae waiting, looking bored. He stands with hands in pockets, giving off an odd sense of... Jackson didn't really know what.
Jackson calls before they can head downstairs.
"April! Your math." He darts over to hand the booklet to her.
"Already?!" She turns around, her tone a little uneasy. "Just keep it for me for now; I'll grab it on Monday." She smiles and turns around, grabbing Youngjae's hand while walking downstairs.
Youngjae turns around and gives Jackson a threatening look before they walk out of sight.
"Don't you like April? That's why you are doing homework for her right?" Some girl squeaks.
"Give up already. What are you compared to Youngjae?" Another girl says from behind him.
Jackson goes stiff at the words. He looks down at his uniform. The buttons are tied up to the top one, everything is organized and clean. His natural black hair is cut in a simple short length. His fake glasses making him look even nerdier. Compared to Youngjae's wild dyed hair and everything, he is pretty much nothing. But Jackson can't help but feel the slightest bit accomplished.
He's changed so much since the last few months, Jackson is pretty proud of his new self. He never cared much for what others said. Besides, those girls give him a little encouragement and recognition on his new "nerd" self he's been trying to achieve.

April showed up again this Saturday. She stayed till Jackson had to go to work, and still didn't seem to plan to leave. Jackson's running late for work, so he decided to just let April be.
"I swear to god if you are spying for my dad." Jackson makes a threat but doesn't finish.
"I know I know." April replays with her eyes still glued to the computer.
By the time Jackson comes back from work, April still hasn't left. There are wrappers and chips scattered all over the tables.
"Why are you still here? Don't you have a date or something?"
"We did, here." April says naturally.
"What the?!" Jackson does his best not to swear, he's been trying to keep a good kid image.
"Yeah I was lazy to leave you house so..."
Jackson's first instinct is to check his bed.
"What are you doing?! We are pure!"
"You are pure." Jackson corrects, his finger pointed at April's nose.
April shakes her head in disbelief and goes back to texting.
"Are you still texting him?"
"Not Youngjae." She shrugs, holding up a picture on her phone. "He's from 10D, Mark, isn't he cute?"
"Do you like him or something?"
"You gonna dump Youngjae? It's only be two months."
"I never said I'm dumping him. Besides, two months is a long time, it broke my old record. April had a record of changing boyfriends at the speed of light.
Jackson nods, Youngjae may be everything but nice, compared to April though, he's nothing.

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