Me and my fox

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I suppose that I should introduce myself, my name is lily I have long hair that goes past my bottom that is brown for the most part. My pet...well my companion/only friend because I dislike people in general, fox. I've named her moon. Don't judge I named her when I was five. We live in the woods. Now don't think that this is an ordinary forest in a normal place. We are in a different dimension than you lot. We are at war, the good and the evil, however the supposedly good people are actually really big fat jerks to put it kindly, but the war has caused so much damage that we now fight in a different way for the time being. There are two great academies the sun fire the one I don't particularly care for.... well more like despise. And the one I'm currently making my way towards, witch is called midnight moon. It is ironic actually lol. But that's besides the point. I am currently trying to get my lazy fox up but she is refusing to budge. Her silky blue fur swaying in the warm gentle breeze. I was getting frustrated with her to no end. I'm hungry and I needed some fresh fruit and I found a tree with some sweet berries but I'm way to short and I need help. Not that I'll ever admit that I'm short, I'm fun sized.
   "Moon, I'm being serious here get up!" I grumbled
  "Lily I need sleep do you think fur this amazing just comes naturally? No I need beauty sleep." She said simply
   "You can't be serious?" I said dumbfounded by her attitude.
I am beginning to wonder why I ever became friends with her. Well other then the simple fact that she is the only living creature that doesn't annoy me yet. For the most part lol. Knowing that I have lost the battle to convince her to help me I walked the few feet to the fruit tree and began to climb up the many branches to reach the sweet fruit that was at the top. When I finally reached the top I began to eat but I know soon I'm going to need moon to help me down. I'm powerful but I'm also very clumsy. I just don't like hurting myself unless I have no choice. I can't decide if I'm happy or nervous to go to the academy what I'm really worried about is finding who my 'destined partner' is. You see there are two classes the gods and the warriors. The gods aren't necessarily gods but magic beans I guess you could say and the warriors are the fighters who follow there partner and the group that your partner is apart of. That is for the midnight moon academy. The sun fire academy has the royals and the knights, same concept. I'm worried about finding the partner because well I don't like people and I don't like being told what to do

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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