Grillby X Sick!Reader

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"Ah- Atchoo!!" I sneezed violently, shaking the whole couch.

"Kid, you sound miserable." Sans put his hand on my forehead, his cold bones causing me to shiver. "You're on fire, too. Maybe the shopkeeper has some sort of human medicine..." he mused.

"I'm fine, I swear- t'chu!" I sneezed again, quieter this time.

"You are obviously not fine. I am charging you for resisting a-rest. You are sentenced to the couch until you're better. I'll be back soon!" And he teleported out.

"Graaaahhhhhh......" I moaned, throwing my blanket off. I did not plan to be sick today, and it was annoying.

I stood up, legs shaking as I stumbled towards the door. My hands trembled, making it difficult to grab the doorknob. I forced it open, falling in the snow outside the door. Shivering, I tried to stand up, but failing. Maybe I'm more sick than I thought. Was the last thing I thought before passing out.

Grillby's POV

I closed up the bar early today, deciding to visit y/n, since she didn't stop by today. I secretly liked her quite a bit, and missed her face already. I strolled through Snowdin, grateful I was a fire elemental. It kept me warm; although, when it was snowing I couldn't stay out for very long.

I saw a small flash of f/c in the distance, making my heart skip a beat. I picked up my pace, jogging toward it. As I drew near, I realized it was y/n laying in the snow. "Y/n?" I crouched down next to her.

She was shivering violently, skin starting to turn blue. "Oh no..." I quickly scooped her up, running into the skeleton brothers' home. She snuggled up to me, warming up, causing me to blush.

Your POV

I felt a comforting warmth wrapped around me, and it made me happy. It was a lot warmer and cozier than any of the blankets we had in our house. Maybe Sans bought me a new one at the store.

"Mmm..." I snuggled into the blanket more, but something shifted under me. "Huh...?" I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by flames.

"Gah! Sans! Fire! Pap!" I scrambled to escape the fire, but it felt like it was holding me in place.

"Hey, calm down, it's okay. Shhh....." A familiar voice whispered in my ear.

"G-Grillby!?" I realized the fire holding me in place was his arms, and I was curled up in his lap. I blushed brightly; I had a big crush on the bartender, to say the least.

"Hello. I found you in the snow and figured I should bring you back indoors."

"Heh. Thanks. Aht'ch!" I tried to muffle the sneeze, but failing, making my sinus' burn.

"Oh no, did you get sick? Maybe it was because you were out in the snow. I should have been there sooner." He scolded himself quietly.

"No, it's not your fault. I- I was already sick before I went outside." His heat wrapped around me, taking the edge off my cold.

"Why would you go outside if you knew you were sick?" He asked.

"Heheh..." I trailed off.

"I missed you at the bar today."

I blushed. "R-Really?"

"Of course."

We stared into each other's eyes, smiling. I wanted to lean in and kiss him, but I wasn't brave enough. Which is why I was startled when he kissed me.

The sensation of his fire face on mine was strange, in a good way. No words can describe how it felt. After a second he pulled away, smiling and blushing purple.

"S-So... Wanna watch TV?" I asked blushing.

We watched TV for a couple hours, still sitting in his lap. It was super relaxing, feeling his cool flames flicker around me.

"Hey kid, I'm back!" The door slammed open, causing both of us to jump. "Oh, heeyyy, what's goin' on?~" He grinned seeing my sitting in Grillby's lap.

"S-Sans! You're back from the store! Hi." I blushed awkwardly.

"Yeah. They didn't have any medicine at the shop, so I went to Alphys, and she made some for ya. Glad I took the trip out there; give you two lovebirds some time."

"Sans..." Grillby sighed in exasperation.

Sans chuckled. "Geez Grillbz. I've never seen your flames that purple! Somebody's in love!~"

"He's keeping me warm while I'm sick, unlike you. You left me all alone." I sniffed, pouting.

"Oh, I see how it is." He nodded, setting down the bottle of medicine in his hand. "You'd rather cuddle with me!"

I squealed as he scooped me out of Grillby's arms, hugging me against his rib cage. "Saaans! Let go! Grillby, save me!" I laughed as he began to tickle me.

"Don't worry y/n, I'll save you!" Grillby jumped off the couch, skillfully removing me from Sans' arms before knocking him to the floor gently.

Everyone was laughing, until I burst into a fit of coughs. "Guess I'm still kinda sick."

"Well then, we'll just have to watch a movie." Grillby sat down with my in his lap again. I snuggled in as Sans threw a blanket over us, chuckling quietly; something about, 'burning passion'.

I remember a gentle kiss on my forehead before quickly falling asleep.

It was the best sick day ever.

Love you my little stars!

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