After I was done raging I thought of a way to get back at sans. I downloaded one of those undertale file jumblers. The result is something you would have to be there to belive. In place of flowey, was sans. Wrong enemy! Playing in the back round, I think... he said the flowing in his own little comic sans even with the sound. "Huh look mad about some thing... guess I'm pritty good at my job huh?" Followed with other random quotes. And the friendliness pellets? We're gaster blasters. After that I closed my computer and said "OK THAT'S ENOUGH UNDERTALE FOR TODAY!" If you don't belive me that happened, I frankly don't care. I know it happened, and I'm still planning revenge on sans. I'll be accepting ideas on what to do to get back at him.
What is happening thine fellow fandoms its Fangirlingmaximum AKA Fanairean here and i just wanted to say Thank you guys for reading and remember to put your ideas about how to get back at sans in the comments. And remember to DEFEND YE FANDOM by STORMING up the comment section BELIVE and I will see you, in the next story!
Gosh Darn It Sans! (True Story's #1)
Randoma short and true story of a sad tale of sans breaking the fourth wall and breaking the game itself to get back on a girl not so fond of the pacifist route. and of course that girl just happens to be ME.