Barry's Pov- someone is after Caitlin

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In the elevator I noticed Caitlin looked a little pale. "Hi you okay, Cait" I asked with a hint of worries in my voice, hoping she wouldn't notice.
        "I'm fine Barry, Really "she said with a smile but I know Caitlin, something is wrong. "You sure" I said gently pulling her face only to see her lips slowly turning blue like a friend of mine from Earth 2. "Barry, If anything is wrong with me I'll tell you" she said looking into my eyes. "Promise" I said with a small smile kissing her on her forehead noticing she was cold. She replied " promise you Barry Allen,I love you". "I love you too Caitlin"I said with her leaning on my chest as we walked in Star labs. "Hi guys" a familiar blonde said. "OMG ........ Felicity what are you doing here My Caitlin said running up to Felicity hugging her. "Caitlin, can't breathe" Felicity shrugged to say. "Caitlin, I think you're squeeze her too tight" I said laughing. She then let go of  Felicity because of the meta-human alert. "Barry we've got a problem it's ZOOM, he is calling out your name Cait" Cisco said with a confused expression only looking at Caitlin. "What, why my name" Caitlin said walking towards Cisco briskly. "Because he still likes you, you know" I said with a little jealous tone in my voice. "What does that mean,Barry" Felicity said put her hand on Caitlin's stomach (well basically you can say she put her body in front of Caitlin's and then places it on her stomach). " That he's coming for her" I said noticing Caitlin looks weak. "Hi, you okay, you don't look too good " Felicity said holding Caitlin. " Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" Cait said. "You guys


tay here with Caitlin and make sure no one enters Star labs, Okay"  I demanded. I ran off to finish this fight with him

Meanwhile during the fight with zoom. 
I was pinned to the ground with Zoom standing on me with one foot on my chest and the other on the ground. "Now there will be no distractions, to get the key to my plan, Caitlin is mine" he said speeding off to Star labs. I got fast and told Cisco to be ready and hide Caitlin. My heart was racing just to beat Zoom to the Lab but somehow I ended up in the future.

* sorry if the videos In between doesn't match the rest of the story but I tried to find certain video *

* Hope you guys liked it and sorry I took so long, had school *

the story will be continued *

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