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4 Years Ago:
"Which tie do you think? The red or the blue?" Gilbert asked, you were currently laid on your stomach on his bed as you scrolled through your phone. "Hey, earth to (name), are you even listening?" This time you lifted your head and looked at Gilbert as he stood in front of his full length mirror, holding both ties against his chest. "Which tie? Red or blue?" You shrugged your shoulders and pointed to the right, earning a sigh from Gilbert. He wrapped the red tie around his neck and walked over to you, you looked up at him and raised one eyebrow. "What's with you?"
"Nothing. Do you really have to go?" You asked, he groaned and closed his eyes as he nodded.
"You know I have to. This is important to Antonio." He replied as he tied the tie, put on his jacket and checked his reflection once again before turning to you and holding his arms to his side. "What do you think?" You nodded and smiled weakly.
"Very handsome." You replied, earning another sigh. You and Gilbert had had a rather large argument earlier that afternoon and so the atmosphere was still a little tense. Gilbert walked straight to the door and put on hand on the handle before he turned to look back at you.
"Stop acting like a child." Was all he said before he opened the door and left. A few moments later you heard the door slam behind him, leaving you to lay on his bed and cry.
"Thank you for your custom! Bonne Journee*!" Francis said to the customers who left the cafe with smiles on their faces. With a happy sigh he turned and watched you as you cleared away their table as you hummed along to the song which was playing. Yourself and Francis had opened the cafe together three years ago after making it your dream when you met in high school. It was a small, vintage style tea room that was popular with university students and writers who wanted a quiet place to gather inspiration. "Well, I'm just waiting for Matthew, so I'll start stocking the cold drinks for tomorrow." You smiled and nodded as you took the dirty cups and plates behind the counter to wash when the cafe was closed. You turned to look at the door when you heard the bell ring, smiling when you saw your Canadian friend walk up to the counter and smile to you.
"Hey, Matt." You briefly said, the Canadian smiled and waved to you before he noticed his boyfriend on the floor. "Hey, Francis, you can go. You guys have a nice night, okay? Don't do anything I wouldn't." Francis smiled as he removed his apron, placed it on the counter and grabbed his jacket from the back room. He stopped to press a kiss to your cheek before he took Matthew's hand.
"That doesn't leave much. Au revoir!" You laughed as Francis winked and then left the cafe. You smiled to yourself as you turned the sign from 'Ouvert/Open' to 'Fermé/Closed', turned up the music and picked up where Francis had left off. When the cool drinks were fully stocked, you put the box into the back room and started to make some coffee for your journey home when you heard the bell ring.
"I'm sorry, we're closed." You called without turning to look.
"Well, is that any way to speak to people who have come to see you?" You heard a voice say, turning around you smiled when you saw Arthur and Alfred standing behind the counter, you hugged them both before they sat down at one of the tables and you made three cups of coffee. Alfred looked like he had come from work and instantly picked up a magazine from the next table. You sat down with the two men, who thanked you for the coffee, before Alfred went back to the magazine and Arthur turned to you with a smile. "Have you had a busy day, love?" You smiled and nodded.
"I'm exhausted. I'm working tomorrow too, I gave Francis the day off. He and Matthew have gone on a date tonight." You told your British friend, Alfred's ears seemed to pick up the mention of his brothers name and he suddenly looked up, however when he heard it was about his date with Francis he looked back at the page.
"Maybe you should have a quiet night to yourself tonight. I would join you but, we have a function to go to for Alfred's work." Arthur told you, you smiled and nodded.
"Hey, I knew there was something I had to tell you!" Alfred suddenly said, you looked at him and smiled as you took a drink from your coffee. "We have a new guy at work..." as soon as he started to speak you groaned and left the table to clean the coffee machines. "Hear me out, his name is Heracles Karpusi, he's from Greece and he sounds like your kind of guy." With another sigh you shook your head. "Won't you even look at a photo of him?"
"If I do will you drop it?" You asked, he smiled and nodded as he brought his phone from the inside pocket of his jacket. With a sigh you walked over to the American and looked at the photo on his phone. You had to admit that he was a handsome guy, his brown hair was tied in a pony tail behind his head and his smile was large. "Why do you have a photo of a new guy at your work on your phone?"
"I knew you'd like him. So, will you go on a date with him?" He asked, you hit the American's head gently before you finished cleaning the machines. "Think about it, okay?" Alfred and Arthur had been trying to get you to go on dates with guys for almost a year now, however still hadn't got the message when you continued to refuse. You simply sighed and nodded.  After a while, the two said they had to get ready for that night before they both kissed your cheeks and left the cafe. Once you had finished cleaning and stocking everything for tomorrow, you locked up the cafe and went home.
~~~1 Month Later~~~
"I was thinking maybe a blue for this wall, what do you think?" You held up a light blue colour to the wall to show Francis. He nodded and smiled as he looked at the suggested colour.
"I think that would look nice in here." He replied as he kissed your cheek and took a drunk from his wine. You sat back on the couch and took a drink from your glass, sighing as you swallowed. "So, did Alfred show you Heracles?" You sighed deeply and turned to look at tour best friend, who was now laughing. "He showed you the picture, I'm guessing?"
"Oui. I think you should meet him." Francis replied as he took a drink. "He seems... nice."
"I know 'nice' is your code word for muscular." You told him, making him laugh as he nodded. "I'm fine on my own! I don't understand why you all want me to meet somebody." Francis simply sighed as he finished his glass and refilled both his and yours.
"I saw Ludwig today." Francis suddenly said, you turned to look at him and nodded slowly. You hadn't seen the German since your split with his brother, though you still missed him often. "He asked how you were, I said you were good. He says he and Feliciano miss you." You nodded again and took a large drink from your wine, knowing where Francis was taking the conversation. "Did...did you ever speak to them about what happened?"
"Nope. I don't know if... if Gilbert told them or not." You replied, looking down at the floor and hoping Francis would change the conversation.
"Have you ever... thought about contacting him?" Francis asked, you finished your wine and filled your glass again.
"Nope. I've never had the need to. Sorry Francis, but can we change the subject?" You asked, he nodded and put one hand on your shoulder as an apology before he sighed and took a drink. "Hey, how about we go out one night? It's been so long since the last time. What do you say?" With a smile you nodded and took another drink, Francis was right, the two of you seemed to do nothing but work these days. "You never know, you could ask Alfred to invite Heracles..." You hit the French man's arm as he laughed, only making you laugh with him. That night you were laid in bed, thinking about what Francis had told you. Did Feliciano really miss you? Or was Francis trying to get you to see Gilbert for some reason? You couldn't sleep as all these questions ran around your head, as though your brain didn't want you to sleep. With an annoyed groan you sat up, looked around your dark bedroom and brought your phone from the table beside your bed. You opened your contacts and sighed deeply as your thumb hovered over a certain name, until with your eyes squeezed shut you pressed the screen and waited for him to answer.
"Ciao, Feliciano Vargas parlando**!" When you heard his cheery tone for the first time in so long, you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
"Ciao Feli, è passato un po***." You replied back, amazed to find yourself remembering so much of the Italian language. For a few moments the phone was silent and you wandered if he had hung up.
"Bella?" He whispered down the phone, to himself you thought. "(name)? I-is that you? What am I saying? Of course it's you! It's been so long! How are you?" You smiled when the Italian spoke as though he spoke to you only yesterday, as though nothing had changed.
"Well, thanks. And yourself? And Ludwig, how is he?" You asked, the Italian told you he was fine, as was his German boyfriend.
"What made you call? Is there something wrong?" Feliciano asked, making you feel guilty. When you were dating Gilbert, you were very close to the Italian and you hated the fact that you had drifted apart when you split.
"No...Francis told me he saw you recently. I...I guess I started to miss you." You said, smiling to yourself when you heard a noise of delight from the other side of the phone.
"I miss you too, ragazza stupida****!" He replied, only making your smile grow. "Hey, Ludwig is here if you want to speak to him! He's sleeping, but I can wake him..." You stopped the Italian before he could wake the German, knowing first hand what he was like when somebody woke him. "Listen, why don't we meet up soon? It would be so lovely to see you." For a few moments you didn't say a word, thinking whether or not it was a good idea.
"Sure! That sounds wonderful. How is the day after tomorrow for you?" You asked, another noise of delight came from the other end of the phone and couldn't help but laugh to yourself a little.
"Meraviglioso*****! Should we say 12 noon? We can grab some lunch and catch up properly!" He replied, you agreed on the time and both said goodnight before hanging up.
~~~5 Years Ago~~~
"Come on, dance with me!" Gilbert said as he stood in the centre of the room, others were dancing around him whilst you sat beside Kiku on some chairs along the side of the room. You simply laughed as you shook your head and watched his awkward dancing.
"(name)! Why not dance with your boyfriend?" Arthur called to you, you held up your middle finger to him, making him laugh. With a sigh, you excused yourself to Kiku before standing from the chair and reluctantly walking to your boyfriend. When you stood in front of him he took hold of you and began to dance with you, making you both laugh. He put both hands on your waist and pulled you close to him.
"You're an idiot, do you know that?" You whispered up to him, he just laughed and kissed the top of your hair before he started to force you to dance like he was, only making you laugh more.

*= Good Day!
**= Hi, Feliciano Vargas talking!
***= Hi Feli, it's been a while
****= Stupid girl!
*****= Wonderful!

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