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Paris's POV

We pull up to an ice skating place and I get a little nervous because I have never been Ice Skating before.

"Gray I don't even know how to Ice Skate" I said giggling as he opened my door for me.

I hop out and he shuts and locks the door.

"Really?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Well I'll help you out" He said grabbing my hand.

He leads me inside and he pays for the admission thing and then pays for ice skates for us, getting our sizes.

I put them on and Grayson puts his on and then puts our shoes in a locker I guess he has here.

He stands up and I try to stand up but then sit back down shaking  my head.

"Come on Princess" He said holding out his hands.

"I'm gonna fall" I said.

"If you fall I fall." He said 

"Graayyyyyy" I whined and he grabs my hands.

"I gottchu Princess. I am a good skater. I can skate forwards, backwards. Blindfolded.. You will be fine" He said and he helps me stand up.

He starts pulling me forwards, him going backwards.

He glances behind him and skates back towards the wall, me watching my feet, trying to keep up with him.

I stumble forwards and he was quick to let go of my hands and wrap his arms around my waist, holding me up.

"I suck at this" I said as he chuckled, helping me back to stand up straight.

"It takes practice." He said and grabbed my arms, so I grabbed his, being a little more stable than just holding his hands.

He pulls me along around the ice rink,.

"Paris try moving your feet" He said chuckling and as soon as I did it was way more slippery than before and my legs slid on either side of his as I fell down, him falling on top of me considering our tight grip on eachother.

"Grayson" I whined and he laughs a little.

"Its okay" He said as I was blushing so hard.

He stands up again and tries to help me up but the ice was obviously still slippery and I fell back on my butt.

"I am gonna have a bruise on my butt by the time we are done here" I said 

"Well atleast your icing it now." He said and I glare at him.

"Sorry.. Sorry" He said helping me up again

He gets me to my feet.

"Watch how I do it." He said letting go of my hands and I hold the wall and watch the way he moves his feet.

He skates back in forth in front of me and then skates up to me grabbing my hands again.

"Now you try." He said and I slowly started moving my feet like he did, him skating backwards again.

Princess// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now