•Skye: Stay With Me•

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I'm only warning you because some people can get triggered even by the smallest mentions...I hint/talk about self harm. Also talk about abuse and attempted suicide. Please, if you ever need to talk you can talk to me because I know what it's like...please be safe.

I smile at the text Amber sent me. It's sweet of her to say that. I look down at my arm. She asked about them. Hopefully they heal before she really starts asking questions. To be honest I'm surprised she didn't notice earlier that they were wrapped like this.

I'm thankful Yoongi didn't ask either. He would have made me take them off. Then he would have taken me to a hospital. Amber would probably leave me if she found out the reason I have the bandages: I have burn mark going up and down my arms. Not too horrible that they scab. They just leave red marks. Once they heal, my skin goes back to normal.

I go upstairs to my new room and look around. It's very big and spacious. It doesn't feel like home. Not yet. I think I know how to make it to my liking. I'll have to wait until I start making money. Hopefully Cho will give me the job tomorrow. I really need it and Yoongi said I would like it. I really hope I don't mess this up. I crawl into my bed. Its like laying on a cloud. I love that. I wrap myself in the blankets. I don't mean to fall asleep but I do. I also don't mean to dream...


There is a knock on my door. When I open it my parents are outside. They push me back into the house and start throwing stuff at me. Everything they can reach. They scream things at me. My mom pulls my hair and drags me outside to a pool and throws me in.

"How dare you do this to us! How dare you runaway! How could you make Yoongi do all this stuff for you!? You don't deserve any of this! You are a disgrace to this family!"

With every word she says I sink deeper and deeper into the pool. Then it fades to black.

Color comes through again and I open my eyes slowly. I'm laying on a hill. There is a field of flowers at the bottom. I then notice someone sitting beside me. I turn and see Amber. She's smiling at me. Then she pulls me closer to her and strokes my hair. She's about to kiss me when she wraps her hands around my throats and starts choking me. I can't breath! Suddenly I'm pulled out of water. Yoongi is now with me and he looks pissed off.

"Skye! What the fuck! I spend all this money! All this time! Trying to save you from our parents and this is how you thank me? Do you know how much I spent!? Do you know how much I put on the line for you to live a great life!? How would the news react to the head line Min Yoongi's Sister Min Skye Kills Herself In Pool? What were you thinking!?"

I don't answer. I can't answer. I still feel like I can't breath. Yoongi suddenly starts shaking me.




•dream ends•


I sit up really fast in my bed and look around. I look to my right to see Amber. I must look confused because she speaks up.

"It's like 1 in the morning. You called me and started saying some weird stuff. Asking me to stop and saying that I was hurting you. Then you said you couldn't breath and the line disconnected. I got scared and came right over. Then I found you here freaking out almost. You kept mumbling about being sorry. You wouldn't wake up on your own so I woke you up...are you okay?"


"Oh the bellboy let me up. He knows me so..."

I nod.

"I must have been having a lucid dream...I'm okay now. Thank you for coming over and I'm so sorry I woke you up so late!"

"It's no worries...I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you. Well now that I know you're alright..."

She gets up and pats my head.

"...I'll go back home now...I'll see you in the morning."

She's about to leave and I speak before I think.

"Amber! No! Don't leave!" I sit in the bed on my knees and wrap my arms around her waist. My head is in her back.

"Please don't leave...I don't want the dream to come back...I'm scared."

"Well...where am I supposed to stay? In a guest room?"

"No stay here...with me. Please? I can't...I don't want to be alone..."

She turns her head to me. It might be dark in here and she might not be able to see my blush...I'm pretty sure that she's smirking at me. Turning around she softly says to move over so she can get in.

I do as told and she's crawls in with me. I don't cuddle her but I want to. As I start to doze off I do feel a hand go around my waist.

"Goodnight, Min Skye."

"Goodnight, Amber Liu."

I can't see her but I know she's smiling because I am too.
It's been awhile....last week of school next week!!


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