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The sweetest creature. The one I cherish the most. I am in love with him. But he doesn't know who I am.
I am Townes, 18 years old, born in Carolina but I am moving to the west coast. I have never seen myself as a west coaster but my grandmother once told me I should swim before I drown.

Here I am, moving, leaving everything behind. In the hopes of becoming successful in the book industry. I am afraid to leave my family back here. But I must move on and do what is best for me.

Ever since I was young, I was always told that I need to get out of here. I need to make it big, that nothing will help me in Carolina.

The moving van arrives. This is real, I am leaving. I say goodbye to those who I have lived with for the past 18 years of my life. I am afraid of what will happen once I move. But the fear is making everything so much more exciting.

The way to the airport seems as if it is dragging on forever. But once we arrive I feel nothing but butterflies in the pit of my stomach. This is real. I get all of my luggage out of the van and walk towards the check in counter.

"Name" the lady working there says. "Townes Adair Jones". She types it into the computer. I give her my ticket and make my way through to luggage check.

Once everything is through, I have 20 minutes to kill, so I decide that I shall go do some duty free shopping.

Eventually after trying 16 scents of perfume and buying too much makeup that I can wear, it is time to finally board my plane. "Flight JQ767 to California boarding now" the man says over the loud speaker.

I get in line and make my way into the aircraft. Once I find my seat, I can sit and relax. Before take off I decide it'll be a good idea to get my book out. "Wrong". Now that I'm all relaxed and ready to leave, I can read and hope that this 5 hour flight won't take too long.


Here I am, now all alone in this big city. I went from having 4 siblings and my parents around to it being just me and my grey suitcase.

I call a taxi and give him my address. As we drive, the suburbs are getting poorer by the block. Not much I can do about it though. I'll just have to work with what I've got. "Here we are miss" the driver says. I give him a $20 bill and tell him to keep the change.

I step onto the concrete and look at my new apartment. Might I say, it looks much better than what the photos had shown. Walking up the flight of stares expressed how unfit I am. Eventually I reach the top and open the doors.

It wasn't the best thing I've ever seen. But it was lovely for a first apartment. The view of the Hollywood hills was so mesmerising.

As I pull out my phone to ring my mother, an unknown number is calling me. I answer. "Hello?" I ask. "For fucks sake Liam. How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop changing your phone number. Honestly, I'm not even going to bother saving it this time." A husky, British voice says. "Um, excuse me sir, but I think you may have the wrong number. Who is speaking?" I say calmly. "You're kidding! Of course he gave me the wrong number. So sorry, I am Harry." In that moment. Those three words. "I. Am. Harry." kept on replaying in my head. It couldn't be the Harry. The one I'm in love with. The one person I've wanted to meet. I mean, that would be mad, but the voice. I know that voice. "And you are?" He says back. "Townes, Townes Jones." I say, absolutely gobsmacked. "Well, it was nice speaking to you. But I've got to go find this idiot of a boys number."

And with that. The phone call ended.

Townes • harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now