Side of Fries

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PBickles                                                                                                                                        Chapter One:

   I don't know why workers of fast food places are constantly looked down upon. They're people too; they have feelings, they have lives, they have families and friends as well. People are constantly making jokes about the employees of these types of places. If you don't study hard enough you'll end up working at (fast food place name here) or You don't want to have to end up working at a fast food restaurant for your life. I find all of this rather rude. People at fast food places might have other jobs but need more of an income or they need money. At least they're making money rather than stealing it from the government or wandering around big cities asking for dollars at a time. I always get offended by the thought of customers thinking they're superior to the employees. Why? Because I am one of them.

   I've only started working at a fast food restaurant about a month ago, but I haven't told many people. I work in the back, I actually make the food. Therefore, I don't see the customers nor do they see me.

   People at my school strut around like they own the place, which they don't. They brag about their large allowances and about how crappy their brand new BMW's are.

   I drive a 2001 yellow Volks Wagon and I absolutely love it. I have never complained once about it and I have never complained about getting my $0 allowance from my parents. They think I should earn money on my own, so its legally mine. I agree.

   School's alright. I'm a senior, so I'm almost done. My grades are in the 80's and 90's except for math- which is 100. Math comes to me so easily and I can even multiply large numbers of 4 digits in my head (If you're wondering if I have a mental disability such as autism, guess again because I am just your average 17 year old girl).

   "Alice, Flora is here for you again." Laughs my co-worker Tiana.

   "Alright, I'm coming." I laugh.

   I walk up to the counter and see Flora texting away on her device in a pink phone case.

   "Guess. What. Happened!" Flora chirps. Before I can even reply she continues on with the news. "I met these two really cute guys at the concert last night!"

   "Flo, common girl you can't be intruding my work establishment to tell me that. Why didn't you just text me it last night?" I ask.

   "Important events like this need not to wait. As for texting you- I couldn't. It died on the train home from the concert and I was only able to charge it really early this mourning. But I haven't even told you the best part!" She squeals.

   "What is it? But say it quick I have to go back to making the edibles."

   "One of them asked me to go to dinner with him on Saturday night in the city and of course I would never reject an offer from a fellow with them looks and then while we were talking his buddy was kinda just standing there awkwardly so I said 'hey how's about we make this a double date and I can bring my pal Alice.' And he was like  'what does she like' and I told him all about you and then I showed him a photo of us from Christmas and he said you're really cute and he said he wants to go on a double date." By the time this was all out, Flora was out of breath. Flora can surely talk and so does it fast and clear.

   I look at Flora with a straight face. "You really wanna go on a date with a guy you met at a concert? You don't even know him or where he's from. What if he is a murderer or a robber? What if he's into illegal things?"

   "The question is do you wanna go on a date with a guy I met at a concert?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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