Chapter One: Alex

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I woke up to the screaming of my parents as usual, I stretched my arm across my cold bed as I slowly woke up. I finally gathered the strength to sit up and grab my cell phone. I look down and it's 6:45. "OH FUCK" I yelled "SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE" I screamed as I threw on a band tee shirt and an old pair of ripped up jeans. It was August 12th and the first day of freshman year of high school. I ran out of my house like my life depended on it and darted down my street to my school. By the time I got to school my red hair was flying everywhere and my appearance was dreadful, but why would i give a shit? I saw my friend Dayia and immediately ran over next to her. We had been friends sense 8th grade and related to each other on many levels. She's a short thin girl with light skin, pink hair, and brown eyes. "what the hell took you so long?!" she said in a jokingly matter. I spoke in a quiet voice "Oh I woke up late but nothing's wrong i'm fine" This time I knew Dayia was serious "I don't believe that for a fucking second." I didn't respond but instead looked down at the dirt and fussed with my shoes. As the bell rang we went to class and went our separate ways. I looked down at my schedule, "First Hour - Algebra 1-2 Room 302." I realized that meant it was on the third floor so I practically ran up the stairs and darted in to the class room that was now full. "FUCK IM LATE" I thought to myself. "Well good morning young lady thank you for joining us my name is Mr.Dason, and you are?" I thought to myself nervously "FUCK FUCK FUCK's okay just say your name...AND DONT STUTTER" I began to. speak hesitantly "um...I um...I...I...Im Alex" Mr.Dason spoke cheerfully "well hello Alex, can take a seat in the back please?" eagerly I ran to the back of the class, got out my hoodie from my bag and stayed quiet in until someone made a remark about my hair "what are you, the devil?" so I snapped back "Yep that's me bitch!" they laughed at me and talked about me for a minuet and then the bell rang "thank god" I thought "only 5 more hours...F U C K"

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