Chapter Two: Tyler

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Right after algebra I had world history on the second floor so i made my way down the main hall back to the stare case. I went down the stares and tried not to make eye contact with anyone until i heard an unfamiliar voice calling my name. "Alex!! Alex wait up!" the voice called desperately. I slowed down but didn't come to a complete stop and then i turned around. It was a short thin boy who was running towards me. He had purple hair and dressed nicely, he looked pretty normal and kind so i waited for him to catch up to me. When he finally reached he he said 'wait you are Alex right' i nodded yes and began to speak "ya um...who are you?" he fixed his purple hair and adjusted his sweater before replying "oh i'm sorry my names Tyler, i'm a freshman too" I didn't know what to say so i told him i had world history in 5 minuets and needed to get going. In the most cheerful voice possible he said "really??? so do I!" he seamed nice so i let him walk with me. 

When we got to the class i made a B-line for the back and Tyler followed me. The teacher had us go around the room and tell the class our name and favorite song. Me and Tyler didn't pay much attention and began to softly talk to each other

Tyler- " ugh i'm so introverted why the fuck do we have to do this"

Me- " i know right. i have a small stutter so it makes me anxious to talk in large crowds"

Tyler- "He keeps looking back here i think we are making to much noise. take my number we can text instead."

He handed me a small piece of lined paper with his number on it and pulled out his phone. I pulled my phone and entered the numbers. We texted the entire class and got to know each other until the teacher called on me to share. i spoke quietly and my voice was shaky ' h-h-hi i'm Alex... my favorite song is by twenty one pilots." Tyler was next and i was nervous for him. I know what its like to have anxiety and i dint want him to freak out. He spoke fast and didn't stutter. 'Hi i'm Tyler and my favorite song is castle by Halsey." He put his head down quickly and didn't raise it till third hour bell rang. I stood up and tapped Tyler so he would get up. He raised his head and had tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. I got him up and took him to the boys locker rooms. "what are you doing... you cant be in here" he said in a shaky voice. "i'm gender neutral  they can fight me...whats wrong?" he went on to explain to me that he has schizophrenia and was seeing 3 of his monsters. They where all telling him awful things. He looked down at his sweater sleeves and tried to hide something from me. I grabbed his arm and pulled his sleeve up. I saw all the razor marks from the night before and felt an instant wave of guilt. I pulled out some band aids and told him to cover it up and change the bandages daily. He asked me "how did you know" I didn't say anything but i pulled my leggings up to reveal my cuts and scars.  We put ourselves back together and ran to our classes. He shouted from, across the hall "MEET ME AT THE THIRD TABLE DURING LUNCH" i screamed back "OKAY FAM YOU GOT IT" and with that we both faded off into the halls until i got to me honors English class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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